Blog 12: Believe

Hello everyone! Happy Word Wednesday! I hope everyone is enjoying their spring break so far. I am so excited for today’s topic! We are talking about “believing”. Let’s get started!

I know I usually get right into the topic of the day, but today I feel like we should start off with the Bible verse. Hebrews 11: 1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Talk about power in the Word of God. I definitely feel the Holy Spirit is with us right here, right now. What does this verse means to you? Have you ever wanted something so badly, you believed with all your heart that it was going to come true or that you were going to get it? See, that’s what faith is, BELIEVING in something that hasn’t happened yet. You probably haven’t gotten that thing that you want yet but you believe you will. By us believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, we can know for sure we will have eternal life. So let’s BELIEVE together that Jesus is coming back!

What other things do you believe in God for? I believe that Jesus is always there no matter what happens. I believe through the difficult times in life that God is in control and will be there with me. I also believe that He knows the plans for my life and I don’t have to worry. I encourage you to get into your Bible and to learn more about Jesus for yourself today. He wants to build a relationship with you. Do you?

Jesus is coming back soon. Have you shared the word of God with your friends or family? You should. Help your loved ones get in to Heaven. Share the unconditional love of God. If you have any questions please feel free to email me! See you guys on April 20th for a NEW POST! Bye!



Blog 13: Music 🎵


Blog 11: The Ten Commandments Part 2