Generation of Young Believers
A generation of young believers fully devoted to Christ,
rooted in the Word of God, boldly living out their faith, and courageously standing for God in all they do.
Generation of Young Believers (GYB) is a ministry that God gifted Sarai Lokey in 2020, when she was just ten years old. Through blogging and youtubing, Sarai shares her love of Jesus with the world, and what started as just a vision, has blossomed into a movement for young believers just like you.
GYB is a community for young believers who want to boldly stand for Jesus Christ.
It is a generation of young believers fully devoted to Christ, rooted in the Word of God, boldly living out their faith, and courageously standing for God in all they do. We aspire to be a vibrant, global community where young Christians are nurtured in their spiritual journey, grounded in biblical truth, and empowered to lead lives that boldly reflect God's Kingdom and His will on earth.
We are on a mission to inspire, equip, and empower young believers to stand on the Word of God and boldly stand for God in every aspect of their lives. We are dedicated to fostering a Christ-centered platform where young Christians can deepen their faith, build authentic community, and live out the Gospel in a way that transforms the world around them.
Meet the Founder
I'm Sarai Lokey, author, speaker, and founder of Generation of Young Believers (GYB).
When I was just ten years old, God gave me a vision to start GYB as a platform to share my love of Jesus through blogging and Youtubing.
When I told my parents my vision, they were fully supportive 😊👍🏽😊, but one thing stood in the way – always that one obstacle, right?
Neither my mom, my dad or I knew how to get it started.
We had no idea how to make a website. I had the vision and the support, but the “how” was missing. Did we need to purchase something before I made the website? What steps did we need to follow to get this thing started?
You could say we were plain old newbies to that biz, but soon enough, the Lord, like He always does, made a way and GYB’s website launched in September of 2021 with the help of my cool uncle.
You guys, it was a whole year before it launched!
The Lord may not do things the way we imagine, thought, planned, or even time it the way we thought, but the Lord’s will always get done, amen?
My hope is that Generation of Young Believers will be a platform that glorifies God as I work to share my love for Jesus through blogging and YouTubing, and that it equips and encourages the children of God to stand for God.
Stay along for the journey, I would love for you to see GYB grow with me.
Love you sister/brother in Christ!
Middle School life isn’t easy, especially when you have to move and make new friends. Gabriel McVee runs into some kids on his way home from school and they discover a magical place to build memories and laugh. Gabriel isn’t too sure about God and it takes a wise coach and a series of life changing events for him to realize he needs God. Does Gabe end up a believer of Christ or a victim of Satan’s cruel plan?