Blog 11: The Ten Commandments Part 2

Hello everyone! Happy Word Wednesday! I am so excited for today’s post because we are going to learn and discuss another three of the ten commandments. What are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

God gave me numbers 2,3, and 5. Let’s start with 2. “Be thoughtful and kind in what you say and do”.

Our words and our actions are important. When we speak we should always be careful with our words. Always being kind and lifting someone up. Being positive. Not negative. Being a light with our words. Thinking before you act. Think “What I’m about to do going to glorify the Kingdom of God or this world?”. That is the question we should always be asking ourselves before we act or say something. Then you won’t have to live with guilt of knowing you said something you should have not or did something you shouldn’t have done. Pray to the Lord and think about this.

Next, number 3. “Share your things cheerfully”. This is a hard one, agreed? See, we can always share our things but do we always do it cheerfully? Not with a grumpy or cranky attitude? It’s hard. For example, my little sister wants one of my bracelets. I can always give it to her but will I do it “cheerfully” or “lovingly”? When Jesus died for us did He do it with anger in His heart and with a grumpy attitude or did He do it with a loving heart and a good attitude? If you think the second option, you are RIGHT! It’s not always easy but if our Savior did it, with His help we can too.

Last but not least, number 5. “Take care of all living things: people, animals, and plants.” Whether it is a person, an animal, or a plant treat it with respect. God made MAN. Be kind to people and respect them. They’re God’s children too. Whether they are the meanest person at your school, most annoying person in your club, or most stuck up person in your class they are still God’s child. Think of it like that and it may be easier to love on them and be kind. At the end of the day, you don’t know what they are going though. You may be the only person in their entire life who ever showed them kindness. Animals and plants are God’s creation as well. Respect them. Don’t walk on plants. Give them water and maybe food. Help them GROW! Don’t be rude to the animals. Give them their privacy and respect.

I hope you all learned something today! Thank you for coming back, reading my posts, and learning more about Jesus! I appreciate all my subscribers and viewers! Make sure to come back April 6th to read a new POST. That one will be a little different than the regular one’s I usually do. See you then with a SURPRISE! Bye!



Blog 12: Believe


Blog 10: The Ten Commandments