Blog 13: Music 🎵

Hello everyone! Happy Word Wednesday! So for today I wanted to do something a little different. I didn’t want to talk about one of the fruits of the spirit, friends/ family, etc. I wanted to talk about something we most likely listen to EVERYDAY of our lives. You guessed it…MUSIC. Shall we begin?

Music is big almost everywhere. The top 3 musical countries are the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Didn’t know you were going to get a small history lesson today, did you? lol. Have you ever thought music could be a bad influence? Did you think that bad influences were only people? Well, I found out that people are not the only bad influences in life. Music can be one too. Music can make a big change in your life. Can you think of a few songs right now that you like to listen to? I want you to ask yourself these three things:

  1. Are the lyrics pleasing unto the Lord?

  2. Does it glorify Him and His kingdom?

  3. Does it encourage you to live for Him?

    Good questions, but hard to answer right? “Are the lyrics pleasing unto the Lord?” What I mean by that is, are the lyrics talking about bad things? Are they disgraceful words? If someone heard you listening to that particular song would they automatically think you are a Christian? Don’t get me wrong, there is NO where in the Bible that says you can only listen to Christian music. Just let me ask you this, would the lyrics you put into your head change the way you think about God or the Bible? Will those words you allow yourself to listen to eventually change you to begin making wrong choices? I can’t tell you, you can only judge that yourself.

    Romans 10:17
    - So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. What we listen to builds our faith.

    Has your parents or someone ever told you to do the right thing even if no one is watching? I sure have heard that one before but did you know that saying isn’t completely true? Someone is watching. Always watching and that’s God. Even if no one is around you should always strive to do the right thing. Doing the right thing when no one is watching builds our character. It shows God that we can be “faithful” even when no one is watching. After this I pray to God that maybe you have learned something, how I learned during studying and writing this. I pray that all of you can see a change you need to make in your playlist. If you would like to know some of my favorite gospel artists or songs reach out to me at Have a GREAT WEEK everyone! Peace ✌🏽!



Blog 14: Rest


Blog 12: Believe