Blog 4: Anger šŸ˜¤

Happy Word Wednesday everyone! Itā€™s me Sarai. I hope everything is going well. I know itā€™s been a while since my last post, I apologize in the delay of my post. I canā€™t believe Christmas šŸŽ„ is almost here! A couple reasons I love Christmas are because we celebrate Jesusā€™s birthday and family and friends gather for a good time and good food! Email me at and tell me what your favorite tradition or food or both for Christmas. I canā€™t believe we are 17 DAYS away!

Todayā€™s topic is anger. We all deal with it. Some people say they donā€™t get angry, some say they feel like they are always angry, and others say they donā€™t know. Everyone and I mean everyone gets angry at one point. I think that when people say they donā€™t get angry, it basically means to me they hide their anger really well. Thatā€™s really bad but today weā€™re not discussing what hiding your anger will do to your health. Today weā€™re discussing how to deal with your anger. When you get angry whatā€™s the first thing you do? Whatā€™s the first thing that comes to my mind when I get angry? Going to my room and reading a book šŸ“• . For you it might be watching TV, yelling at the top of your lungs, hitting, ect. Letā€™s be honest, all those things I just listed are not really good for you. Watching TV is just avoiding your anger. Yelling and hitting is doing something bad WITH your anger. What I do is not bad but itā€™s not the best choice because itā€™s still avoiding the problem. I bet you are thinking ā€œ Reading is doing something calm, how is that bad?ā€ Itā€™s not bad but the first thing you should ALWAYS do when you are angry is pray. God is always there to help and he can help us sort out all of our feelings. He wants us to come to him first and not use worldly things to calm us.

In the Bible, Psalms, chapter 86, verse 15 says ā€œBut you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulnessā€. What does that mean to you? The first half ( But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious ) means that God has mercy and grace on us. Whatā€™s the difference between the two? Mercy means the compassion and kindness shown to someone whom it is in one's power to punish or harm. Grace, on the other hand, means a gift we don't deserve. Like blessings, we donā€™t deserve them but God gives us them because weā€™re his children. The last part of that verse ( slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness ) means that God loves us so much and doesnā€™t get angry with us fast. He knows weā€™re human and he gives us chance after chance. He loves and cares for us. He knew falling into sin would separate us from him thatā€™s why he let his son Jesus die on the cross and take all of our sins away so we can have a relationship with him. Remember this verse and make time to read your Bible daily so you can grow your relationship with him!

Come back on December 29th to see a new post! Please share my website with your friends and I highly encourage you to go out and tell people about the greatest gift (Jesus)! Have a great week everyone!

#Disciple #JesusIsKing #Bible #SayNoToAnger


Blog 5: Hope


Blog 3: Armor šŸ›” of God