Blog 55: Friendship

Hello everyone! It’s officially summer break!! Ready to enjoy the summer in the pool, maybe at the beach, or sitting on the porch reading the hours away?! I’ll more than likely be doing the third one all summer lol 😂. Today’s topic is on Friendship. Let’s jump in!

I asked a few of my friends what is the meaning of friendship to them. My friend, Grace, said that friendship means to her, “that you have a person who will be your friend in sad and happy times”. She asked some of her friends the same question and one of them, Kaelynn, said this:

To me it means to love one another like siblings. And to watch after each other and to help each other out. If one’s getting bullied try to stop it. If your "friend" doesn't care about what you have to say then they are NOT your friend. Listen to each other and be happy for the other person if something good happens to them. And be sad with that person if something bad happened to them. Listen to them with respect, and you should get that in return. If you don't, you are probably not good friends.”

Whew 😅 , oh my gosh. Those are some good intakes on what friendship is. Thank you friends for sharing! Now that I think about it, and let me know if I’m wrong, we often say “She’s my bff” or “He’s my best friend” but we find ourselves and that person not friends anymore after a month or two. Am I wrong? The reason I wanted to bring that up is because I feel like so much in our generation we call someone our friend or best friend ,but as soon as we either don’t treat them right, or they don’t treat us right, or there is an argument we just stop being friends. What? I ask you, “Is that a real friendship?” If it’s real, you would be willing as well as the other person to FIGHT for that relationship. You would be the first to apologize, the first to forgive, and the first person to say, “We’re going to be okay.”

I’m going to go back to the “bff one minute and not friends at all the next minute” thing I was talking about in the paragraph above. What if I told you, we could save ourselves from toxics relationships or from being hurt and sad if we would only do one thing. “Get to know people”. Sounds familiar, huh? ( 😉 ) We could save ourselves from the pain of not a real friend if we would just get to know them and spend time with them before we gave them the title “Best friend”. They don’t deserve that title unless they stick up for you, spend time with you, help you during hard times, be kind to you, listen to what you have to say whether it’s funny or dumb ( lol), etc.

What if I told you there is someone who will be your friend for forever, always kind, loving, and caring, always on your side, etc. Who will stick up for you like no one else will. That person is Jesus. ( You might have thought that 🤗👍🏽 ) Keeping in mind the meanings of friendship that were shared earlier, let’s see what God says about friendship. John 15:12-13. ( NIV ) "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.”

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!! Love you all, have a great week. Come back next week for a NEW guest speaker blog post. HAVE FUN MAKING FRIENDS OVER THE SUMMER!!! Let’s be wise with that!




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