Blog 56: Leadership

Hey guys, and happy Word Wednesday! My name is Jack. I am honored that Sarai asked me to join her blog. At first, I was unsure what my topic should be, but then it hit me. Leadership! Leadership is a topic we can all relate to. So, let me lead the way!    

Are you the person that guides projects at school? Do you serve as an officer in a club at school? Or maybe you are always coming up with ideas for your church youth group. All of these are examples of being a leader. To be an effective and successful leader, we must look to the Lord for guidance. Psalm 32:8 says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” You should not worry about what to do next; the Lord will guide you. The Lord tells us in Deuteronomy that he will never forsake us. He will never leave us alone, not knowing what step to take next. What a reassuring thought to know; the Lord will be with us and guide us!

I am very involved in my school’s Beta Club. I have been honored to serve as the Club President and State President. While serving as president, I worried about how things would work out, if my classmates were prepared for their competition, or what steps to take next. So, instead of staying in a state of stress, I gave all my worries to God. I told Him all my fears and concerns and asked him for guidance. He did what He always does; God made everything alright. I followed God’s plan and allowed Him to guide my steps. Everything happened according to God’s will and purpose, not Jack’s will. What are some day-to-day struggles or worries that you have to give to God? God wants to hear all about them! If it concerns you, it concerns God!

The motto of the National Beta Club is “ Let Us Lead By Serving Others,” which directly states how Christian leaders should lead…by serving! Jesus tells us in Matthew 20:26-28, “It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be the first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” We, as Christians, must be willing to work alongside our friends and enemies, just as Jesus did. What are times in life when you must put others above yourself?

Whether serving as Beta President or sitting in math class, you lead others to want what you have or run in the opposite direction. When we are tired, grumpy, or even angry, other people are watching us. Will we work as hard or possibly harder than our friends? Will we retaliate with unkind words when someone runs into us in the hallway, or will we show grace? Christians show the love of Jesus when we lead through example. Jesus came to serve, so we must as well. 

Remember, God loves you and wants you to lead others to Him! I hope you enjoyed reading and gained a better understanding of being a Christian leader!


Father’s Day Edition


Blog 55: Friendship