Hello everyone! I know I just posted something last Wednesday but something was on my heart to do a short post today to celebrate Martin Luther King JR. , who fought for black people’s rights. I’m not going to give you a lesson on Mr. King but if you will please pray this prayer with me.

“Dear Almighty God. Thank you for the freedoms I have today. If it weren’t for you or my ancestors who protested for our rights, I wouldn’t be enjoying the things I enjoy everyday. Thank you God for Martin Luther King. The man who lead a lot of the protests back in the day. A man who was brave Lord God and wasn’t scared to ask for what was right or publicly tell everyone he believed in you. Thank you for showing us we can stand up for things here in America without having to use our fist and/or weapons. Thank you God for freedom. Thank you for all the others who protested and fought to have the freedoms we enjoy today. Thank you God for sending down the man that was persistent. He persisted to make African Americans free. He had the endurance Father God and I thank you and in Jesus name, I pray AMEN.”

Thank you guys for praying that short prayer with me and I encourage you if you haven’t yet today go learn about Mr. King.



Blog 6: Self control


Blog 5: Hope