Blog 6: Self control

Hello everyone!!! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY!!! Wow, the second month of 2022 is already here. Crazy right? I pray all of you are safe and well. Today’s topic is self control. I struggle with self control everyday. I bet you do as well. Let’s get in to it!

So, what is self control? Self control is ,“The ability to control oneself”. How is self control put into use? So for example, you are invited to go to your friend’s house after school on a Thursday evening to hangout. You can go if you want because your parents trust you enough to get your stuff done before hanging out but you know you have a test the next day ( Friday ) and you should study. A test you forgot to tell them about. What do you do? This is usually where you have a decision to make.

Option 1: Go hang out and have some fun but you may get a grade that is not so great and risk possibly losing your privileges.

Option 2: Go home, study, and see if you can reschedule another time to go have fun with your friend.

I think we all know right off the back option 2 is the best one to go with; but is it that easy to go with the right option? Is it easy to say NO to go and have some major fun but you really know that you should go straight home and study? I bet you’re like nope I rather go have some fun but deep down you know it’s not the right option. It’s hard guys to say no; especially when you want to say yes. God knows and has been through everything you are dealing with. If you pray to God and ask him to help you have self control, he will surely help you.

I use to think God was picky when he wanted to help us. He is not. God helps us in our situations maybe not the way we want or think He will but He always does and it always turns out in the end for our good. God wouldn’t do anything to harm us. It is through the Holy Spirit we have the ability to say No in the times it is best to do so.

Can you think of some times you need to have self control? Can you also think of other times you didn’t have self control but you should have? I can. We are humans. We make mistakes but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from them. Pray to Him and ask Him to help you learn from your mistakes and make different choices in the future.

How do you fight to have self control and win the battle at hand? Well, you can pray and ask the Lord to help you, read your Bible more (so when a time like this comes up you can win the battle of self control), or you can just spend time listening to God. All of these things I listed can help you grow your relationship with God and when you need help from Him deciding the right thing to do. It won’t be hard because your relationship with Him has grown and you have more faith in Him! Just keep that word “faith” in your mind when you start to doubt God won’t help you when you ask. Also remember this verse. It might just help when you least expect it. It’s in the book of 2 Timothy, chapter 1, verse 7 (KJV, King James Version ). It says “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” He has and will give us the POWER to make SOUND decisions in a spirit of LOVE. So think about this verse next time you deal with a battle of self control. God has given you everything you need to fight a battle. His armor, His Word, and the Holy Spirit. Don’t be afraid to seek Him. He loves His children. HE LOVES YOU!!! Have a great rest of your week and stay WARM! Come back February 16th for a NEW post!



Blog 7: Faith
