Blog 2: Peace ✌🏽

Happy WORD Wednesday, everyone!!!

Today’s topic is Peace. What is Peace? According to the Webster Dictionary, Peace is defined as “freedom from disturbance; tranquility” but most importantly, in the Bible, Peace is defined as completeness, wholeness, and soundness. The Old Testament in the Bible was originally written in the Hebrew language but some parts were written in Aramaic language. The Hebrew word for peace is shalom (shaw-lome').

Now that we know the background knowledge about the word Peace, let’s describe it in a way that is more relatable to us. As an eleven year old I would describe Peace as calmness, undisturbed, and not worried. Everyday things are thrown our way to make us feel the opposite of peace. So, the question we should be asking ourselves is how do we keep our peace through the rough times of life? Well, I have good news to share! God is ALWAYS there and ready to help you through those rough times. We just have to let him in.

When I prayed for a Bible verse for this Word Wednesday, the Holy Spirt ( God, our helper ) sent me to the book of John, chapter 16, verse 33. It says ”These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” I am so glad that God understands what we go through when he says “In the world ye shall have tribulation.” I face things everyday that can make me lose my peace, but knowing that God has overcame the world I know I don’t need to worry about my worldly problems.

Some things that try to disturb my peace are fear of spiders, thinking about the health of my family and friends, COVID-19 potential exposure, and bullying and drama with so-called friends. What are some things that disturb your peace? Is it friends? Is it school? Who do you go to during the hard times? Looking for peace in this world is worthless. If you look for peace in this world, it’s only temporary. Either listening to music, or watching TV to avoid the problem won’t make it go away. We can find forever peace in JESUS CHRIST.

When you get upset and angry, you don’t have peace. God doesn’t want you going through it alone. He wants to help you. What are some ways you regain your peace? Some positive ways to regain your peace are:

  1. Read John 16:333 ( “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” )

  2. Pray and tell God what’s going on.

I know it might be hard to do positive things when you’re not in a peaceful mood . You might want to throw things, yell at the top of your lungs, but that’s not the right way to handle it. I need peace before a test for school or before I talk in front of a large audience. Maybe for you, it’s when you are doing a class assignment and you and your fellow classmates are trying to make a decision for your science project. All of you have different ideas and you may have to pray to God and ask for some peace to help you guys decide. For this week, I want us to memorize this word so we can use it in a time of need for peace. I’m so thankful that God will help us and give us peace. Thank you so much for reading! Please subscribe to my newsletter below! I will see you next Word Wednesday! Bye! 


Blog 3: Armor 🛡 of God


Blog 1: Fruits 🍌 of the Spirit VS Sinful Nature