Blog 64: Storm up for Jesus

Hey guys! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY! How are you this fine evening? I am so glad to be here with all of you! Today’s topic is “Storm Up for Jesus”. Let’s get started!

“Storm up for Jesus” … what does that mean? Well, let’s break this down. A storm. What is a storm? Some people describe it as, something that causes rain and thunder. Which is true. The definition of a storm is, “a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow”. So, that’s a storm. Now, the next part, Jesus. Now I’m sure we don’t have to explain this one. If we did, we would be here for a week maybe more because Jesus is that GOOD! We already know who He is, so we are going to keep it short for today. Jesus came to this planet, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again like nobody’s business lol. Rose. Do you hear what I am saying?! Rose. No one has ever done that BUT Jesus, guys.

Storm up for Jesus. Let’s come back to that. Do you see the lightening in this photo below?

Let me ask you another question. Are you in the “after season”? I know in the past I have shared what a confusion season looks like. Let’s recap. The confusion season is where you feel like friends are changing up on you or leaving, life isn’t making sense anymore, etc. You know that God is going to do something in your life or someone else’s you just don’t know what, YET. You just are confused. The season that comes after is the waiting season. You know God is about to do something, but you don’t know when. You are waiting. THE HARDEST SEASON, in my opinion. Agreed??? Lastly but certainly not least, a blessings/miracle season. GOD DID WHAT HE PROMISED!!!! You are praising, celebrating, thanking Him for everything! You are living in the MIRACLE AND/OR BLESSING. Click here if you want to hear more about these three seasons, So, you might be wondering, “What in the world is the middle season?”. Well, I am so glad you asked. The after season. This is the season in life, where confusion and waiting are over. Blessings/Miracles are in the mix but now you feel stuck in this place of, well, I’m not in confusing so where am I? You are in the “after”. The lightening in this photo represents, you. Or at least what we should be doing. The booming of the lightening or the crackle should be us talking about Jesus. The booms we hear, should be lives transforming. Okay, okay. Let me slow down. You might be thinking, “Okay, hold up, so you are saying storms are, okay?”. In this sense, they should be your heart’s desire. Lightening should be you, right? And the booms, should be lives around you transforming! Does that make sense? Lives you have impacted with the knowledge, the prayer, etc. of God. See, the phrase, “Storming up for Jesus”, means you are out here, in the darkness, spreading the light. You are lightening. You are crackling for Jesus. You are transforming lives. Impacting! Storming! Doing thee ‘after’!

So, I ask you, “Have you stormed up for Jesus lately?”. And no, I don’t mean, by praying for someone. Which is a good thing, don’t get me wrong. But have you “stormed”? Have you gone above and beyond for that ‘one’ that Jesus will always go after? You might be thinking, about that ‘one’. You are probably thinking, "Sarai, you do not know what I have been through with them. I have tried to pray with them, bring them to church, invite them to Bible study, and more!”. Well, let me ask you one thing, have you called on Him? Because there is no way possible, for you to storm up for Him if you don’t have Him, with you, beside you, in you, while you storm up. So, I ask you, “What is your after season going to look like?”. Are you going to sit idle and wait for the next season, or are you going to take the Armor of God and go out and be lightening in the darkness? Are you going to "Storm up for Jesus”?

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!! I hope this really inspired you!!! I hope your “after season” will be a 10 for 10! Love you guys!!! Feel free to email me about a post you want me to write AND seek the Lord on!!! WE ARE GOING ON BREAK FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER!!! See you believers in November! Can’t wait!  


Blog 65: What Christmas is TRULY about


Blog 63: Perfectly Imperfect