Blog 65: What Christmas is TRULY about

Hey guys!!! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY!!! WE ARE BACK! Today will be the last blog post of 2023 before the NEW YEAR!!! I’m not crying… totally not, you are( 🤣😭🤣)! Today, instead of sharing about the birth of our Savior and that AMAZING story, I’m doing something a little different. ( But if you would like to read the story about our Savior’s birth, here is a link to last year’s Christmas post: ) Today, I want to share with you “What Christmas is TRULY about”. If you ever wondered, if there was more to decorating cookies, putting ornaments on the Christmas tree, receiving presents, and things like that, this will settle your curious mind! Let’s get started!

When you first hear the word ‘Christmas’ what do you think of? Presents 🎁 ? Christmas trees 🎄 ? Food? Family? When I think of Christmas, I IMMEDIATELY think of decorating the inside and the outside of the house and of Jesus’s birthday! How many of you like Christmas food? How many of you prefer Christmas food than Thanksgiving? For Christmas, our usual menu is mac n cheese, obviously 😉, dressing, collard greens, rolls, potato salad, and gumbo. Oh, and I can’t, WON’T, forget the desserts! Cheesecake, poundcake, (YUMMY 😋 🤤 😋)… oh and… No Sarai, no. Let’s stop there; I’m making myself hungry… are you hungry yet? As you can see, Christmas is AWESOME for multiple reasons, delicious food, presents ( Have you made your Christmas list yet? ), family visiting OR traveling to see family, etc. But did you know that Christmas isn’t all about the food, presents, and family? It’s about JESUS!

Our Savior and King was born on Christmas day in a stable. A STABLE! Surrounded by sheep, horses, and more. He slept in a manger. NOT a fancy crib like most newborns sleep in today. The Perfect One came to us and resided in not a castle, or a mansion like we would think. A stable full of smelly animals BUT He was surrounded by people who LOVED Him. His mother, Mary, and His earthly father Joesph and soon by three men who brought three gifts for the Perfect One. I like presents, don’t get me wrong, and the food, family time, Christmas movies, decorating… ooooohhhhh the decorating! BUT that isn’t what Christmas is TRULY about. It’s about Jesus’s brithday and PRAISING God the Father for sending His one and only Son! We now and for the past thousands of year have been able to accept Christ and know where we are going when we die, ONLY BECAUSE of what Jesus did when He was thirty-three years old. Dying on the cross for ALL of our sins.

Christmas is MY FAVORITE time of the year. And I’m the most happiest when the time is near because my King was born then. All the presents are great but Jesus has always been mine, and yours ( whether you realized it or not ), first present.

Anybody a Pinterest fan? Found this while scrolling for Christmas related things one day…










( Isaiah 9:6 )

If you didn’t catch the hidden word in the Bible verse; read it one more time!


Jesus is our Christmas present. Our love, our joy, our WORLD! Let’s give a ‘present’ to one other person this holiday season!

Here are three ideas!

(1) Feed the homeless ( Find a shelter or a local place near you to serve! )

(2) Make Christmas cards for your neighbors and put them in their mailboxes ( to spice it up and make it more fun, don’t sign your name, put ANONYMOUS 🥳 🎄 🎁 )

(3) Make Christmas cookies for a local kids ministry OR elderly center near you!

All of these ideas may take from one hour to three! Share some love with your community this holiday. Do one, two, or ALL of these events or do your own!

For some people Christmas can be the best day on earth and for others a very sad day. Possibly because they don’t have any loved ones nearby, a recent family member past, etc. ( Let’s remember to keep these people in our prayers. )

I LOVE YOU GUYS and enjoy the rest of the year! Remember, Christmas is TRULY about JESUS! Signing off…



Blog 66: Jesus is MY Tree


Blog 64: Storm up for Jesus