Blog 63: Perfectly Imperfect

HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY GYB Family! I’m Faith, former guest speaker Hannah’s older sister. I wrote a poem to share with you all today. I hope you enjoy!


God made you perfectly

Your imperfections are perfect

You are worthy

Everything is by design

God designed good things to take time

Don’t let the bad of others eyes affect your opinions

If they do take some time to look within

Within yourself what do you see?

Do you see love and prosperity

Do you see greatness and possibility

Or sadness and negativity

God made no mistakes

His love is something impossible to forsake

Forever He loves you

So love yourself

Use the gifts He’s given you

With them there are others you can help

Don’t look at yourself as less than

Or unworthy

You were designed by God

Imperfections and all


- Written by Faith

Thank you all for reading! Have a great week!


Blog 64: Storm up for Jesus


Blog 62: Teens Worship?