Blog 39: I AM Enough

Hey FRIENDS! Happy WORD WEDNESDAY! I hope you are well. Today is the LAST post of November!! Is it just me or did this year fly by? Today’s topic is a hard one our generation struggles with. “I am ENOUGH”. So let’s get into the Word and see what God says about it.

I AM ENOUGH. Do you believe that? Do you know that? The Internet, people, ads, things, etc tries to make us feel like we aren’t enough. That we need to change ourselves to fit in, to have friends, to be cool, etc. We are the ones that have to change ,but did you ever wonder that maybe I am ENOUGH it’s this world that has to change? If so, you are not wrong there. Maybe you don’t have nice shoes and people tease you about them. Maybe you don’t have straight or the opposite, curly hair. Maybe you don’t have a phone or grandparents like most kids. Whatever you don’t have this world will most likely try to put you down and make you feel like you are not enough. Let’s just be honest about that. Today we are going to make a “toolbox” so when this world tries to tell you, you aren’t enough you have a “toolbox” to remind you of the truth. Back to this world trying to put us down. Now that I’m thinking about it, did the Bible say Jesus was coming ONLY to save the people who think they have it all together? Matthew 1:21 says, “he ( Jesus ) will save his people from their sins”. He didn’t say the homeless, the wealthy, the children, the teens, the short people, etc. He said “He will save His PEOPLE”. Everyone. Jesus loves you and me so much that He put down His life to save us from our sins. Guys this means we are ENOUGH. He is going to take us as His Children as we are. If we are broken, He’ll take us. If we are confused, hopeless, the world would say, etc He will take us. He says we are ENOUGH.

In the Word, God says you are CHOSEN, REDEEMED, HIS MASTERPIECE, FORGIVEN, etc. The next time you feel like something or someone is trying to put you down I want you to say this. “I am Chosen by the Creator, I am Redeemed by the most High, I am the Masterpiece of God, and I am Forgiven by the Messiah.” Say it with. “I am Chosen by the Creator, I am Redeemed by the most High, I am the Masterpiece of God, and I am Forgiven by the Messiah.” If someone ever tries to say you are not those 4 things, you need to have proof to back you up right? So here are the three Bible verses (Ephesians 2:10, 1:11, and 1:7), where it says you are these things. Now before we end today’s post, how about that toolbox?




( Write down your toolbox on a piece of paper ,and everywhere you go bring it. Fill in your name where mine is. )


  1. Bible verses - Ephesians 2:10, 1:11, and 1:7

2. My self pep talk - “I am Chosen by the Creator, I am Redeemed by the most High, I am the Masterpiece of God, and I am Forgiven by the Messiah”

3. A trusted person who will remind you of your WORTH.

For short you can call it, ET. Enough Toolbox.

Instead of a quote, I want to encourage you to go listen to a song by Hillsong Worship. It is called “Who You Say I Am”. Believers, you are ENOUGH! God has said you are ENOUGH to die for. YOU ARE ENOUGH! Use your ET Friends! Love ❤️ you all!!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK 🤩😃🤩!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ✌🏽



Blog 40: Waiting on the Lord


Blog 38: Thankful