Blog 40: Waiting on the Lord

Hey GYB Fam!! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY! How are you all? Today’s topic is “ I’m Waiting on the Lord”. Let’s be honesty here. It’s hard waiting on your grandparents to arrive from out of state because you are so excited 😆 ! It’s hard waiting all week until Friday when your friends come over for a sleepover. Those things are hard ,but what’s even harder is waiting on God to work in your life or through you in someone else’s life. So let’s get into!

I’m going to give you a real life example of me waiting on God to work in my own life. If you went to our about page and read about me, you will know God gave me the vision at 10 years old to start GYB. My Mom and Dad didn’t know how to make a website or YouTube channel at that matter but what we all knew was that God was going to work it out. Guys, GYB’s website didn’t start until September of 2021. It was a WHOLE year until God helped us work it out. God won’t always work in your life right away nor will He work it out the way you imagined but He will always work it out for your good. If we wait on the Lord, pray, and spend time in His Word, when our “waiting season” is over, the miracle or blessing we receive will be OUT OF THIS WORLD. So tell God the next time you are spending time with Him, “I’m waiting on you Lord. Your servant I am”.

Okay guys. Now there are three seasons when you are waiting on the Lord. The first season is the season of CONFUSION. The second season is the season of WAITING. The last season is the season of BLESSINGS/MIRACLES. I’m going to go season by season and explain. Okay, first season. Confusion. This is where you feel like life isn’t making sense. Ever felt that way? I know I have. It’s where you feel like friend relationships are getting a little rocky. School is getting shaky and you don’t even know why! You feel like you are lost and don’t know what to do. If you feel like you are in this season of life, let me tell you something. Been there, done that. If some of the things I listed are happening to you, you are in this season, for now, not for forever. God has a PLAN for you. Remember that. If you are not in this season maybe you are in one of the next two.

Second season, Waiting. You know some what of the plan God has in mind and things don’t feel so shaky o rocky anymore. You know God is working in your life but you don’t exactly know the outcome of the situation. So, you are waiting. What should you do while you wait? Pray, read, fast, etc. Waiting is not always easy but it’s worth the wait when God’s working. Also if you are really unsure of what to do in this season, talk to your parents or trusted people who will give you wisdom and guidance. Romans 8:28,  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

The third and final season, Blessings/Miracles. This is where life doesn’t feel so upside down, you aren’t waiting anymore. You know the outcome of the situation. You have seen what God has done and miracles are happening. If you asked me when I was ten, I would have said I was in the waiting season. I didn’t know the seasons at that time but I was in one of them. Waiting. Now if you asked me as 13 years old, I’m in waiting. Again?! Yeah, I know lol. It’s a cycle my friends. I’m not going to tell you guys for what for right now but when that last season comes, I’ll let you all know what I was waiting for, deal?!

Today’s post is coming to an end!! There is no quote or song for today but there is an encouragement from me I would like to give. People in CONFUSION season, pray through it. Read God’s Word. Trust Him and let Him work. People in WAITNG season, keep waiting. You are almost to the last season. Wait on Him and while you are doing that keep praying and reading the Word. Stay close to Him. People in the BLESSINGS/MIRACLES season. Enjoy it! Live it and love it. Praise Him for getting you through the last two seasons. I applaud you for not giving up. HAVE A FANTASTIC WEEK ❤️😊❤️!!! Sending love and prayers as always family. ✌🏽❤️✌🏽



Blog 41: Hope


Blog 39: I AM Enough