Blog 52: Get to know People

Hey GYB Family! Happy WORD WEDNESDAY! I hope all is well. I like spring, don’t you? Not too hot, not too cold. Just right. Today’s topic is “Get to know people”. Has a parent, friend, or someone in your life ever told you that before? Well, I know I have heard that once or twice, for sure. Let’s get started.

Have you ever met a person and thought right away you guys would be best friends? You guys hung out together, talked on the phone everyday, went skating together, in the same classes, etc. You guys ended up calling each other best friends, just like you thought you would. You thought your best friend was the most considerate, kind, loving person in the world, but you ended up finding out she talked bad about you behind your back. You feel hurt and betrayed. You would have never thought in a million years that person would have done something like that but hey, they did. I have learned a lot of things in my life, but one thing that I have learned and try to have remember every time I meet new people is that it takes time to get to know people. It takes time to find out the true them. It takes at least 2 years to really get to know someone, in my opinion. A person could look some way on the outside but time will tell you how they are truly on the inside. If you just met a new friend, take your time getting to know them. Spend time together hanging out, riding bikes, talking, baking together, playing video games, etc. It will save you possible heartaches, tears, and lots more in the future.

Have you consulted God about new friends? In your prayers do you say,“Is my new friend a good person to hangout with and be around Lord?”, etc? When consulting God, you know right away you are going to get the best advice and help EVER. Today I want to share with you the Bible story of Samson and Delilah. To Samson Delilah seemed beautiful and so many other things. He loved her but time will tell in this story how she was just being fake and didn’t really like nor care for Samson.




Samson, a Nazarite and a man of the tribe of Dan, was chosen to “help free the Israelites from the Philistines”. That was His purpose on Earth. When Samson was eighteen years old of age, he met a woman, named Delilah. Recently I learned, Satan has to go to God to get permission to ‘mess’ with His people. To tempt us, to hurt us, etc. I believe God gave Satan permission to let Samson meet Delilah so He can see if Samson will do His will and not go astray from His Purpose, God’s plan for Samson. People who knew Samson back in those days would probably describe him as strong, proud, a flirt, etc. Samson was known for chasing after the Philistine women. God gave Samson rules. He must never drink any wine or such drink, Samson couldn’t eat grapes or such thing made from or with them, never cutting his hair, and lastly not being close by or handling the dead. By the time Samson met Delilah, he had broken every rule but one. the cutting of his hair. Samson was asked by Delilah many times what made him solid. He lied to her many times about what made him strong. Finally, after several times of being begged my Delilah he told her. Judges 16:17, “So he told her everything. “No razor has ever been used on my head,” he said, “because I have been a Nazarite dedicated to God from my mother’s womb. If my head were shaved, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak as any other man.” Once Samson was unconscious, Delilah said the same thing she said every time she thought she found out the truth about his strength. Verse 20, “Samson, the Philistines are upon you”. Samson woke up and tried to fight them off but little did he know his hair was shaved off and who he thought loved him, turned their back on him. She was paid 30 pieces of silver for this.

If you want, you can read the full story of Samson in Judges 13-16. Can you believe Delilah did this to him? I couldn’t believe it when I first heard this story. She was probably the last person Samson expected to turn on him but hey, she did. This story is an excellent example of taking your time getting to know people. A perfect example of taking it slow, building trust and a relationship with people. Let’s learn from this you guys and take our own time “getting to know people.”

HAVE A GREAT DAY! I hope you learned something today you guys. Sending my love and prayers. 🤗❤️✌🏽


Blog 53: Worrying


Blog 51: TV Anyone?