Blog 53: Worrying

Hey everyone, Happy Word Wednesday! I’m Madison! I will be informing you all about the very common habit called worry. Enjoy reading!

  Have you ever been worried? Have you ever caught yourself stressing over a test coming up soon, or maybe have been scared of the outcome of a sports game? Have you ever been afraid of failing? I’m sure that everyone has worried at one point in their lives. No matter the age, there’s always something to be worried about.

  What is worry exactly? Worry occurs when you give way to anxiety or unease, or allow your mind to dwell on difficulty and/or troubles. People have formed this habit as a way to prepare for unpleasant things that happen in life. We often worry, hoping that our problems will go away. Many of us don’t realize there is a way to put our worries at ease and replace the feeling with something more peaceful. 

How can we overrule worry with peace? God wants everyone to live a faithful and peaceful life for Him. He doesn’t want us to waste hours worrying when we could be substantially enhancing our faith in Him, like reading the Bible.

   Philippians 4:6-7 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” This means that God wants you to give all your anxiousness and worry to Him, and He will bring peace to you. If you ever get worried, pray to Him. Afterward, you will feel a sense of relief. This goes for any problem. 

Here’s a real-world example: I’m in the National Beta Club which is the largest independent educational youth organization in America. Last year was my first year in it. I’ve learned a lot from being a Beta, such as confidence, being helpful, being uplifting, and serving those who need it most. When my Beta Club team arrived at the Beta Convention, where many Beta teams compete against one another for rewards for their schools, I was very worried that I wouldn’t do well. I get nervous when speaking to people I do not know, or when all attention is on me.  Our team was competing in Marketing and Communications where you have to market ideas to judges and compete over who had the best presentation etc. Our team had to speak to sell our ideas. I was terrified! I read over my script repeatedly, but I was afraid that I would forget all of my words when the time to perform came. I didn’t want to fail myself, or my friends, but most importantly, I didn’t want to fail God, so I prayed. I prayed long and hard that God would bring my team and me lots of peace as we performed. In the end, my team and I did great! All of my nervousness left me and I just did it! It just goes to show that when you are worried or feeling anything negative whatsoever, God wants you to call to Him. God wants to help you with open arms, but it is you that must accept Him and all that He can do for you. It may take a while to bring positivity to yourself when you're worried, but it is never too late to ask God for your help.

Always remember, God loves you! He wants you to put all negatives aside and BELIEVE in Him! I would like to share two final verses with you to end this.

Psalms 55:22 (NIV) – “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”

Psalm 34:17(NIV) – “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.”

I hope you enjoyed my post and got a better understanding of worry and how to cope with it!




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