Blog 51: TV Anyone?

Hi everyone! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY! I really like the month April. Why? I really like April because it’s my little sister’s, Kai’s, birthday month! I like celebrating her birthday and/or accomplishments with her. She is so excited to turn six you guys! Her birthday is April 26th. Today’s topic is “TV Anyone?”. Let’s begin… NOW 🤗.

Do you like watching TV? Do you like watching YouTube, maybe marvel movies, or mystery shows, etc? Have you ever wondered, “Should I watch that?" or “Is that okay for me to listen to that or see that?”. You might be thinking, “That’s not important, it doesn’t matter what I watch or listen to.” May I tell you something? It does. What you allow yourself to watch, listen too, etc can determine the way you speak, the way you move ( meaning deciding and making decisions or the way you move your body ) , the way you react, or even answer questions. It’s important that you allow your self to hear and watch good and/or pure things. What you watch can even make you rethink or question your relationship with God and so much more. Especially with us being Teens, I know from experience, that we can feel like “Oh, I’m old enough to watch certain things now. I can do it.”. I use to think adults said that we couldn’t watch stuff because it was too mature for our age but not all the time that was the case guys. Sometimes, they said things to protect us from watching bad things, hearing bad words, etc. At the end of the day, watching TV is not safe but it can be if you set boundaries on the things you watch. Before I move on to talking about, setting boundaries for your television time, I want to go back to the things I listed why what we watch is important. Only 2 of them I want to hit on. I want to share with you a couple Bible verses before we begin Proverbs 4:21:23, “Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

1. The way you speak. Like me, you might have been raised to answer an adult, depending on their gender, ‘Yes ma’am’, ‘No ma’am’ or ‘Yes sir’, ‘No sir’. Or raised not to say bad words or words that your parents don’t want you saying. ( Heck, dang, etc ) Maybe, like my parents, they have given you other option as in “What the /or in the world?” and lots of others. For example, watching a show or movie where kids answer adults with no, whatever, yes, or use language that your parents don’t want you using can affect the way you speak. All of the sudden you will catch yourself answering your mom’s question with a “yeah” or when your with your friends, one of them share some surprising news and you catch yourself saying, “No way?! What the heck?”. I know today, more than likely, all of our friends or peers are probably using words like that so it may be hard not to do it too or maybe makes you want to do it since they are but we have been called to be “set apart'“. Have you heard that one before? God has called us to be different and not like everyone else. Pray to Him, He will help you make decisions on what to watch and even what to say, no matter what situation your in or question your asked.

2. The way you move. I know this one, probably threw you off when I said this one. What I meant by this, for example, when you see kids on TV at a party and they are dancing a certain, it would probably make you want to try or learn how to do that. This my friends, this, is dangerous for many reasons but the most important is that your disrespecting your body, your temple as it’s called in the Bible. God made your temple to glorify Him and Him only.

As you can see friends, TV is very DANGEROUS but can be very fun and safe when we put boundaries up. May I share a couple of mine? If I want to watch something that is PG-13 ( which is rarely ), I’ll ask my parents is it okay first ( but I mostly like to stick to PG ). Secondly, I like to watch TV on Pureflix more, rather than Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, etc because they have healthy but very funny movies, interesting ones, romance, sports, dramas, etc. Whatever you want to watch but healthy and very pure. I think you should check Pureflix out, that is where I am almost every Sunday after church or either curled up in my bed with a good book 😉 🤣.

HAVE A GREAT WEEK YOU ALL!! See you in MAY ☀️ !!! ❤️🤗✌🏽


Blog 52: Get to know People


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