Blog 9: Be Still

Hello everyone! It’s Sarai. Happy Word Wednesday! I can’t believe it’s March already. Can you? Today’s topic is “Be Still”. So let’s get into.

Being still is really hard, am I right? Sitting still for a long time is really hard, right? Being patient and waiting to hear from God is probably harder than any of the things I listed or things you can think of. When problems occur do you go straight to fixing the problem at hand or do you “be still” and wait to hear what God says to do? If you are like me you tend to forget to ask God what He wants to be done and you try to fix and handle it yourself. Let me ask you something, have you ever thought if your way doesn’t line up with God’s way? That’s why it is always important to ask God what He thinks because He is always right. He is never wrong. If we go and do what we think is right then mess up and have to go to God to repent; do you think that we would have saved ourselves a lot of time and consequences? I think so.

Psalms 46:10 says “Be still, and know that I am God”. God is the way, the truth, and the light. Something in that sentence stands out to me a lot. God is the WAY. What does this verse mean to you? This verse means to me that I don’t have to worry, I can be still and rest assure that God is in control. I don’t have to always jump to the problem and figure it out by myself because I know that my GOD will take care of it. I know that when problems arise that I can go to Him cause He knows the WAY.

There is a lot going on right now in this world. A war between Russia and Ukraine is about to occur. Maybe you have family living in those 2 places and are madly worried. There is a new covid that came out a couple months, Omicron. Possibly you are so worried, you don’t want to leave your homes. I understand completely. Fear is natural. All of us humans have it but what we don’t all have is FAITH. I get it, you are worried but you can’t let it tear you apart. You might want to just get up and fix all of it but you can’t because you are only human. God is here and He is letting all this stuff happen for a reason. The next time you get worried or fear starts to take over you think of these 3 things and start saying them:

  1. God is here

  2. No need to worry

  3. I’m okay because my Heavenly Father is in control

Another thing I like to say when I feel that everything is so hard and when I’m afraid of “being still” is:

The world is big, but I am bigger.

It reminds me that God made the whole Earth but in the beginning He made Adam and Eve to care for it. When I say “The world is big, but I am bigger”, it reminds that “Hey Sarai. Everything might be hard but you are big, strong, and tough. Remember who your God is. The God of all things”. I am praying for you and myself that when being still is tough and scary because you think nothing will change without your help, that God shows you He got it. That He is letting it happen for a reason. Have a great rest of your week! Next Wednesday is second Wednesday and me nor Jason post on those Wednesdays. Oh and remember, “God’s got this”. I recently watched a movie based on true story with the man believing in God and every time something got hard, the man said “God’s got this”. Come back March 16th for a BRAND NEW POST! Bye!



Blog 10: The Ten Commandments


Blog 8: Our Purpose