Blog 8: Our Purpose

Hello, I’m Jason Scott. I am guest speaker today.

So let’s get started it. To start off, Happy Word Wednesday! If you are like me you ask a lot of “why" questions. 

Why are we going there?

Why are we doing this? 

Why do I have to read this book? 

Eventually, I am going to ask the question, “why am I on this earth?” That is where my purpose comes in. My dad taught me the definition of purpose and I would like to share it with you. He taught me and my brothers that the definition of purpose is to glorify God by being a reflection of Him in the earth. That’s the purpose of every child of God. Every child of God has the same purpose, but how we do it will be different. I may be a doctor, you may be a judge, a mechanic, a teacher, or even a president. We may all do something different but our purpose remains the same. 

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” 

Before I move on let's make sure we know what it means “to glorify.” To glorify means to make God look good. For example, serving the homeless, encouraging others, or loving on people who need love. Those are all things God would do. A person who glorified God was Jesus. Did you realize every miracle Jesus did made more people believe in God? He made God look good

So now that we know our purpose and what glorifying God is let's talk about reflection. When I think of a reflection I think of a mirror. God wants us to be a reflection of Him on the earth. When you look in a mirror you always see yourself. The goal now is to look like God in everything you do. Let’s talk like God would. Act like God. Treat people like God. Help people like God. You get what I am saying. Some examples are encouraging people with words. Serving your community and lots more.

A scripture that talks about being a reflection of God is Ephesians 5:1 which says, “therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” So there you have it! That’s our purpose. I challenge you to go out and be a reflection of God. and show people that you are sons and daughters of God and that you can act like Him. Have an amazing week! Make sure to come back next week for a new word!

#MyPurpose #ChildrenOfGod #LookInTheMirror #GodsReflection


Blog 9: Be Still


Blog 7: Faith