Blog 10: The Ten Commandments

Hello! It’s me Sarai. Happy Word Wednesday! Thank you for coming back to learn about Jesus and His Word. Today’s topic is “The Ten Commandments'“. We will not be talking about all ten but we will talk about the three out of ten God told me to share. So let’s get in to it!

A couple years ago my mom and dad bought me a canvas with the ten commandments for children. When I asked God what three He wanted me to do, He gave me numbers 1,4, and 9. Let’s start with number one. Number one is “Love God more than anything else”. Talk about starting off easy. Lol. When I thought of this and still thinking about it now, it spoke to me. For several different reasons it could be hard to “Love God more than anything else”. Think about it, do you love your parents? Do you love your pets? Do you love your friends? Do you love different foods or activities? Well, I do too!

Let me be honest, I love my parents to the moon and back and I enjoy being with my friends or doing some of my favorite activities. But, they are not the one who died on the cross for me. We can love things and people but if God is not number one in our hearts, that means we need to change somethings. God doesn’t care that we love other things or people because He gave us those things. As long as He is our first love then we are “loving God more than anything else”. That also means we are obeying that commandment. God does not want us to love Him out of rules but when we remember that He gave us our parents, our friends, and everything else we love even if we don’t deserve it, helps me to love Him in the right place.

Number 4 is “Love and respect your mom and dad”. Wait! Before you go and exit out of this post just listen. I am guessing your thinking “Here we go. Getting a lesson on loving and respecting my parents.” or “ Ugh! She is acting like she is not our age”. No, if you are thinking that. That’s not what I’m going to do. I am going to ask you three questions. I hope that you answer them honestly which I will do as well. Think about each one and I encourage you to write down your answers so you can improve in them.

  1. Do you do what your parents want you to do when they say to do it?

  2. Do you love your parents?

  3. Do you love God?

We are not going to discuss questions 1 and 2 but 3 we will. I bet you are thinking “Duh? Why am I reading this then?” or “ Yes, I do. Why do you ask?”. Face the facts guys. If you love God then you will do what your parents say when they say it. You will do what you need to do without being told. It says in the book of Ephesians 6:1 “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right”. Mind explosion, I know. I bet you are like “Is she pointing fingers? Saying she is better than us?” Not. At. All. Honestly? I used to not be the best at question 1. Just ask my parents, lol! I learned this one time at church. I don’t remember my pastor’s exact words but I do remember him saying something like “If you love your parents, you’ll do what they ask”. That is us showing our parents love and respect. Believe it or not writing this post makes me think I have a few things I can work on. You?

To wrap this up, number 9. “Be happy for your friends when good things happen to them”. Oof! Hard one. Speechless… did it get quiet in here all of sudden? We are not going to go too deep into this one but what do you think when you hear this commandment? Let’s play a game. I like to call this game “Believers picking to do RIGHT”. I will an example and we have 2 options to pick from. Easy enough? So shall we play? Let’s do.. 2 rounds?

Round one. For example, if my friend gets a new pet and I want one, what should I do? Be happy for them or give my friend the cold shoulder? Does your friend deserve that? Just because your friend got something you didn’t doesn’t mean you should be mean to them. I know it’s hard. I get it but ask God for help. He will help you be happy for your friend. Maybe even ask God to help you get a pet.

Round 2. Your friend can join this after school club but your mom needs you babysitting your little brother while her and dad are working. Which means you can’t join. Is it nice to be rude to your little brother because you really want to be out with your friends at that club? No, it isn’t. It’s not his fault he is not old enough to watch himself. I bet you are like “This is all too much. How am I supposed to make all these changes alone?” No. You don’t have to. Jesus is here to help. All we have to do is ask for it. How do we do that? PRAYER!!!!!

Thank you for joining me for Word Wednesday! I learned a lot and I pray you did as well! Join me next week for our new WORD! Remember, share GYOB with your friends and family. Helping them learn more about JESUS! Bye!



Blog 11: The Ten Commandments Part 2


Blog 9: Be Still