Blog 69: God IS Your Support System

Hey hey family! I know it isn’t Wednesday ,but while reading my Bible this morning God spoke to me. He gave me an ON TIME WORD. I promise it’s not long but it will have your cup overflowing!

May I ask you a question? Have you ever felt as if you weren't supported by friends and/or family for the dreams, or sense of purpose, you were trying to fulfill? It occured to me, a few days ago when I was reading Psalm 18 that this chapter was David speaking from his heart to God. Basically, he was telling us his testimony but around verse 16, David was showing what God does when we call on Him for help. I want to read to you Psalm 18:18. "They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support." It doesn't matter if your parents, your siblings, your friends, your mentor, or whoever else is important to you in life, they don't have to be your support system if they don't want too. And, guess what?!? You. Don't. Need. Them. You don't. Because, God, IS your support system. You want to become a missionary, BOOM 💥 , support instantly. You want to become an actress even though everybody believes you are going to fail, BOOM 💥 . God shows up; support. Don't let anyone or anybody tell you otherwise. God loves you and remember, He IS your support system.

Love you guys 🥰🥰🥰!!! Have an wonderful day AND DON’T forget to come back this Wednesday for WORD WEDNESDAY!!!


Blog 70: How deep will you go?


Blog 68: Spiritual Gifts