Blog 70: How deep will you go?

Hey guys! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY! How are you feeling? Cold 🥶 perhaps 🤔 ? Today’s topic is, “How deep will you go?”. Ready, set, JESUS!

“How deep will you go?”. You might be wondering, “How deep will I go into what?". The question is asking “How deep will you go into the Lord?”. You might be wondering, they are different types of ‘deeps'? Yes, there are! When I was at church a few months ago, the choir was singing a song, called “In The River/ All The Way In”, and some of the lyrics stood out to me. Which led me into writing this post. One part went like this, “I’m going ankle deep, waist deep, all the way in.” Let’s start with the first one, ankle deep. What’s that and how deep is that? Ankle deep is just what it sounds like, your ankle. Where is your ankle located? All the way at the bottom of your body, right? This means, are you going to go that deep into the Lord? Are you going to go from your feet till you reach your ankle? Is that how much TRUST and FAITH you are willing to put it in? Is that much your amount of belief in Him? Are you going ankle deep?

The second one is called waist deep. You could think of waist deep as 50%. You are putting in half. Have you ever put in half of your best into a school project? If you put in half, you probably won’t get an A, agreed? Probably a C or a B. But when you put in your all, you get a B or an A, right? When Jesus came down to Earth, He didn’t put in 50, He put in 100. He went ALL the way in, all the WAY into the plan. He didn’t come down and not sinned, did miracles, but then chose to not go on the Cross and die for our transgressions. He did it ALL the way! He came down, was perfect, knew no sin, performed miracles, and got on the Cross and died for us, as prophesied. Why put in 50 when you could get, receive, and do 100? In other words, why put in half your trust in this world and the other half in God? When you know, just being honest, they will let you down? When you know that people can turn on you? Why put your trust in man and not in God? Man, knows sin, makes mistakes, and more. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight”. Are you going waist deep?

I want to share one of my favorite acronym’s with you, YOGOWYPI. I learned this from one of my favorite inspirational speakers, Bill Cordes. YOGOWYPI stands for, You Only Get Out What You Put In. How much faith, trust, time, and more that you put into the Lord and/or your relationship with Him, is what you will get.

Last BUT certainly not least, all the way in. Are you going to put all your faith, trust, time, energy, and more into the Lord? Are you going all the wat under? Full body? Completely in? Diving in? Are YOU going all the way in?

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING TODAY’S POST! Please share this with someone you know! I love you guys! I hope this spoke to you and fed your Spirit! See you soon! If you are interested in listening to the full song, here’s the link, Happy worshipping!


Blog 71: Trusting God with the Big and the Small


Blog 69: God IS Your Support System