Blog 71: Trusting God with the Big and the Small

Hello everybody! My name is Colin Moore. Welcome to another Word Wednesday. Hope you’re all having a great day.

Today’s topic is going to be really simple. Let’s start with this simple question. HOW MUCH DO YOU TRUST GOD? Maybe just a little bit? Maybe just enough? Maybe only with the things that don’t really matter to us? Here’s the problem with that; God wants us to be able to trust him with everything. For example, think of people in the bible like Noah. He trusted God when he said to build an ark, even though there was no sight of rain. Or even people like David who trusted God with his life. I’m not saying you’re going to be in a life or death situation where you’re going to have to trust God to keep you alive (though there’s always a possibility), but you can trust God with something as simple as trusting him to help you with a problem at school or at home. Perhaps you’ve had a fight with a friend or sibling, and you don’t know what to do to make up with them. In a situation like that, you can trust God to give you guidance on how to make up with them.

Psalm 62:8 says,“Trust in him at all times O people; pour out your heart to him; God is a refuge for us.”

When this scripture says ‘refuge’, what do you think it means? Refuge, by definition, is a safe, secure place. If God is our refuge, and refuge means a safe place, then doesn’t that mean we should feel safe enough with him to trust him with the important stuff as well as the small things? Think of a trust fall. You fall into the arms of the person who’s behind you. You trust that that person’s going to catch you. Our trust in God has to be the same way. We have to trust that he’ll catch us in our tough times (or falls you might say). Hope you all liked this message, and I hope you all have a good day. God bless!


Blog 72: Relationship Mindset


Blog 70: How deep will you go?