Blog 7: Faith

Hello everyone! Happy Word Wednesday! I was thinking, since the word February starts with an F, why don’t I find a word in the Bible or a word related to God that starts with an F? I thought of the word faith! I really believe this is the word God wants me to share for this post so let’s get into it!

Have you ever doubted God was not real? Maybe because a family member or a friend said so? Possibly, you could have been going through a hard time and it felt like he wasn’t there; but He was! Just because we can’t physically touch Him or see Him, He is always there. He never leaves! In the book of 2 Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 7 it says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” When Jesus was here on earth 2,000 years ago it was easier to believe in Him because He was visibly here. You could see and touch Him. Now? It’s not that easy. Like part of the verse says “For we walk by faith”. Back then some people believed because they saw Him. We have to “walk by faith”. We have to believe that Jesus is real. You might be thinking, “Hey, they had it so easy, why do we have to have it so hard?”…… I get it. I totally understand, but Jesus not being here physically just makes us stronger in our faith. It helps us grow our faith. Letting him know “I can’t see you or touch you but I believe” ….and that my friends is having faith in the Lord Almighty.

Do you share God’s salvation with others? Do you remember about what I said earlier about how a family member or a friend said God might not be real? A couple years ago I was sharing my love about Jesus to another person because it says in the Bible ( not exact words ) do not be fishers of fish but of men. It basically means go out and make more disciples. I told the girl about Jesus, His love, and how His mercies are new every morning. She told me that she prays but doesn’t see anything changing so she just stopped praying. I didn’t understand then but now that I think about it, now that I am older and wiser in my walk with God, I see what she was lacking. She was lacking FAITH!!! She asked for things from Him but she wasn’t willing to follow His ten commandments ( I will do a post on in the future ) or willing to read His Word! The reason I’m saying all of this is to say if you want something, you have to be willing to let go of something. If you want to have a great relationship with God and follow His ways, you have to let go of your sinful life and those bad influences. Your faith cannot grow if you have bad influences in your life. I used to think that my faith will stay strong even if I stayed with my same group of friends. It can’t. Let me be honest. I have loss a lot of friends due to my faith but that’s okay because God gave me some new ones. Bad influences can damage or hurt your faith but that’s not the only thing. Music you listen to, the shows you watch, etc. Do you want God in your life? Do you want to live the life he has planned for you? Drop your wicked ways. Drop the bad influences. Listen to some Gospel music for a change. Watch some better shows. I’m telling YOU, it won’t kill you to have some change in your life. Like I said if you want something then you have to be willing to let go of something. Let’s just be clear, I’m not saying any of this will be easy. It never will be. Will it get easier? Yes but the more your faith grows, it will get harder. Pray when you feel going back to your wicked ways. He will help you. When you start to doubt and get these thoughts in your head that God isn’t there, rebuke them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All it is, is Satan in disguise. Do NOT let him ruin the great plan God has for you. Have a great rest of your week and go grow your FAITH!!!



Blog 8: Our Purpose


Blog 6: Self control