Blog 44: New Year, New Things

Hey my lovely people! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY!!! How are we this fine January day? So today is just a regular post, NO IT ISN’T!!! WRONG 😑!!! It is 2023 my friends! A new start. A fresh year. A… I ran out. I got nothin 😂 . Man I was on a role… anyway today’s topic is “New Year, New Things”. Let’s get into it.

It’s a new year you guys, obviously you might be saying, yeah I know. You can try and do new things. Be a different person, etc. For example, you might have a had a really bad experience in a city or etc and your parents call it quits and say you guys are going to move to another state. They might say “You get to have a fresh start at a new school”, “You can start over”, something along those lines. Basically you guys this is what I mean. If you were on a lying spree last year, you have a chance to redeem yourself and prove to yourself you are not a lying person AND, bonus 👊, to others. If you didn’t get a chance to learn that new language or instrument last year, it’s YOUR YEAR! Be outrageous, do something you wouldn’t have done in a million years, etc. Maybe try sharing the good news with others. Now that, I call being bold. Ezekiel 36:26 says this, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.“ When you accepted Christ as Savior, you we’re born again. You had a new spirit, a new heart, a new perspective you could say. Just like when you accepted Jesus, if you have, you had a new start. You have a new start now too. Use it wisely because you don’t get one for another 12 months. Now, I would like to do something a little different today. Instead of giving you a quote to be encouraged by and to leave reading today’s post with, I’m going to break down 2 quotes that made me really think. It might make you think too.

One last thing friends. This is your time to reflect and think about what you want in 2023. Don’t hold anything back. Cry if you want, praise the Lord if that’s what you want to do, go pray with a pastor if that’s your heart’s desire, etc. Let these quotes move you for the better because I feel that someone who reads this post, it might be you, will be a different person starting right after you are done reading.

  1. Quote by Robin Sharma

    Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.”

    What does this quote mean? For example, you lie to your mom for a year, and you try to be better after the new year but you keep falling into the temptation of lying and you just decide to say that’s it. I’m done trying to be better. I’m going to keep doing this for the rest of my life. It’s my life. Don’t keep doing the same thing you know is wrong. Fight, fight to be better. Fight harder to do better. Don’t keep living the same way and call it life because it’s not. There are 365 days in a year. You have 365 new chances to be better, do better, and be a new person. I’m not going to tell you what to do or say or etc. It’s YOUR decision if you want to call your wrong doings life and keep doing them for life but let me just say there is a Savior in Heaven that would love to help you be a new person if you want to change. His name is Jesus. Call on Him and see what happens. Maybe this quote wasn’t meant for you. Maybe you aren’t dealing with anything close to what I said. Let’s move on to our second quote shall we?

  2. Quote by Unknown

    Every year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year, make a resolution to be yourself.”

Maybe you and your family, as a tradition, make New Year resolution boards. You might put things on their to make yourself be a better, nicer, caring, etc type of person. But maybe, just maybe, that’s not what you need this year on that board. Maybe, it’s to not change yourself but to be yourself. Maybe you started middle school or high school or just a regular grade last August. Maybe you started changing yourself to fit in. Not for the better but for the bad. Maybe your resolution needs to be find friends who like you, for who you are. Maybe you started talking, acting, a certain way. Listening to different type of music. Wearing different types of clothing. It can be many things you do to yourself to change who you are. If they didn’t like who you were well maybe they aren’t true friends. If you are going through something like that I understand. I did in the past. Pray about it. Jesus would love to help you. Make the resolution to be yourself. Maybe you are realizing you need to go change your vision board 😉. 

Today’s post is coming to an end friends!! I love you guys and hope you learned something awesome. Stay YOU!!! Or in your case, possibly, work on yourself!! I’ll pray for you no matter what’s going to be your change this NEW year. Love ❤️💗 you all!!! ✌🏽


Blog 45: The Different Translations


Blog 43: Impact