Blog 45: The Different Translations

Hey GYB Family!! How are you today?! You might have wondered, this translation of the Bible is too easy for me, or maybe too difficult to comprehend, etc. Today, I am going to share the top 2 translations of the Bible I recommend to new believers and/or believers who have been believing for a long time. Also, how and why it can assist you in your growing relationship with God. Let’s get started!

When you read the Bible, you shouldn’t have to go look up online what each Bible verse you read, means. Of course, from time to time you won’t be able to understand something and you will need to ask a pastor or a wiser friend in Christ what something means. God wants you to be able to understand His Word. He wants you to be able to read it, and learn more about Him. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t understand something, you know why? Because there are SEVERAL different translations of the Bible. All that means, is that there are harder and simpler versions of the Word.

Why are there so many different versions of the Bible and; how can the different translations help you? There are so many translations of the Bible because they are so many people who speak so many different languages. Also, if you haven’t noticed in History class, English speech has revised plenty over the centuries. How can all of these different translations help you? No matter what language you speak, no matter what words you can/cannot understand, etc there is a version for everyone! Recommendation time!!!

The two translations I would like to recommend are the Kings James Version and the New international Version. For the people who have been believing for a long time, reads the Bible a lot, and who is, taught Bible stories in or preached to, in the KJV I would recommend this version of the Bible to you. Overall, it really depends on where your relationship with God is. How deep can you understand Him and do you understand His Word. The King James Version is the closest version to which how they spoke back in those times, that’s why it’s harder to comprehend. You might have been believing since you were a toddler and you might be thinking, “I don’t even use the KJV”. May I tell you something? I don’t fully do either!!! A couple months ago I got a KJV Bible but that doesn’t mean that I don’t sometimes pull out my NIV to help me understand. Trust me, I do but the more I read the KJV, the more I understand it, little by little. No worries, if you still use the NIV or other types. I get it, KJV is hard! Just keep in mind, not impossible.

Now, the New International Version is the type of Bible I would recommend to you if you are starting a relationship with Christ, if you are younger, etc. Why? It is because you are just now starting a relationship with Christ, don’t overwhelm yourself just starting out trying to take on a harder version like KJV. Just because you read in the NIV or anything other than the KJV doesn’t mean you are weak or not smart it means you are taking yourself down the path your brain needs to understand. You got this! Read what you can understand. Don’t waste your time trying to understand something you can’t. Colossians 4:5, “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!! I appreciate all of you and love you all very much. I pray for you guys regularly. Have a great weekend and make 2023 a GREAT ONE!!! Read your Word, study it, etc! ❤️😊🤗🤩😍👍🏽✌🏽


Blog 46: Fasting


Blog 44: New Year, New Things