Blog 41: Hope

What’s up GYB Community! Happy WORD WEDNESDAY! My name is Aiden Cooper and I will be your guest speaker for the month of December. For some of you guys that remember, I have done another blog post in the past, which was Blog Post 15 about Identity. I encourage you to check it out! I explained the importance of identity in our society when your life is shaky and how to deal with peer pressure. But now I’m back to do Blog Post 41! For some people, winding down into Christmas Break can be stressful, but I want to instill hope into all of you guys! Let’s dive right in.

Everybody knows what Hope is, right? But how can we keep Hope even when we feel tired, scared, or like something is impossible? Our minds’ instinct is to go to the worst-case scenario. But God wants you to have hope in Him. Hope gets me through all the tough, sad, and hurtful times and brings me happy times. Today, I will tell you a Bible story and teach you how to have hope. Hope in Jesus picks us up in our day-to-day lives. Even through the pain and sorrow, God still lifts us up and comforts us because we are his children.

Most people have heard the story of Abraham in the book of Genesis before, but have you chosen to reflect on it? Abraham had to have a lot of hope and patience to believe he would have a son. Abraham (at the time called Abram) wanted a son since he was 75, but he and his wife Sarah (at the time called Sarai) thought they were too old to have children. God came to Abraham and told him that he would have a son and call him Isaac. Abram first laughed at God but then realized that he was serious. God told Abram to call himself Abraham and call Sarai, Sarah. Abraham and Sarah had a lot of hope in wanting a son.

This week is the last week of the year for me and I have my two hardest exams. I have been hoping and praying that I can make it to Christmas Break, so that I can spend time with my family. My math exam was earlier today and I am hopeful that with all of the studying that I have done, God will allow me to do well on it. I don’t know if any of you guys have exams, but I hope that you do well on them too.

I want to send you off with a few points.

  1. Always be hopeful

God is in control and no matter what you may be going through, you can always hope and have faith that he will take care of you.

  1. Whenever you need hope, talk to God or a trusted adult.

Talking to God always inspires me and helps me stay hopeful, and when I finish talking to God, I talk to both of my parents and they also pray with me, so I want to encourage you that you always have someone to talk to.

I hope that you guys found this blog post helpful! Thanks again to Sarai for letting me post again on her blog. I hope I can do another post in the future! But don’t just be hopeful, instill hope in others! Bye!


Blog 42: CHRISTMAS 🎄


Blog 40: Waiting on the Lord