Blog 36: Loneliness

Happy Word Wednesday Young Believers! My name is Lyle Gladney or as most people know me LJ. I am so excited to be back for another post. I wrote blog post 21. It was on “Fear and Anxiety”. If you want to check it out, here’s the link.

Today we will be talking about Loneliness. How to deal with it and what the Bible says about it. Do you ever feel lonely? Maybe you have nobody to talk to? I know I’ve had moments like that in my life when even though I was surrounded by people I still felt lonely. 

Well, Psalm 34:18 says “The Elohim is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” So, in other words, Jesus is always near to you and in a sense, you are never truly alone. It also says that He saves those that are crushed in spirit which means that He can help you if you feel lonely. 

A few of the actions I take when I feel lonely are: Praying, Reading your Bible, and talking to someone. The first solution, Praying. Of course, you should be praying daily but in the content of those prayers, you can always ask Jesus for help in healing you of your loneliness. The second solution, Reading your Bible. The Bible has lots of wisdom too impart to those who choose to read it. A lot of helpful knowledge and information is in the Bible that may help you. And even outside of that, at least for me reading the word of Jesus helps me relax and even feel happier at times. And for the final solution, talking to someone. Venting your feelings to someone is always helpful. It's good to have a listening ear when you feel lonesome and that person can be anyone in your life. Family, Friends, and of course Jesus who is probably the greatest listener to ever exist. 

In conclusion, Even though you may feel alone at times you are never alone. Jesus is always with you. Take this advice with you on your walk of faith. I truly hope that this post helps you. It’s been amazing being able to write for this audience again and I hope to come back soon. Until the next time. Peace and Blessings.



Blog 37: Fruits of the Spirit (Part 8): Faithfulness


Blog 35: Fruits of the Spirit (Part 7) Peace