Blog 35: Fruits of the Spirit (Part 7) Peace

Hi ya’ll! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY!!! I hope you’re having a great month so far. Today’s topic is PEACE. Do you need some peace in your life? Do you feel like everything is so stressful, all the time? Then this post is for you! Let’s get into it!

What is peace? Peace means, freedom from disturbance; tranquility. You might be thinking, why is peace important and why is it one of the fruits of the spirit? Peace is important because it allows us to sustain our mental and spiritual health. It’s a fruit of the spirit, because in order to have true peace, you must have God in your life. When we have peace, it allows others to see what they don’t have. Then they are going to want to learn more about how to get that peace and they will soon come to find that it comes from Jesus Christ. As a result, they will end up getting to know JESUS!

Peace or stress? You have a choice in stressful situations. For example, Nancy thought her math test was on Friday ,but it’s actually on Wednesday, it’s Monday and she hasn’t studied. She is freaking out(rightfully so). In this example, she CHOSE to not keep her peace. Why do you say that Sarai? I say that because Nancy could’ve handled this situation very differently. She could’ve done this: Nancy comes to find out her math test is Wednesday not Friday. Instead of freaking out, which is what most people would immediately do, she makes a plan. I’m going to study a hour tonight. A hour Tuesday night and get up Wednesday morning and study for half an hour before school. By creating a plan, Nancy is reducing stress and allowing PEACE to remain. It didn’t matter what was happening or what the circumstances were she CHOSE to choose peace. She choose to be FREE from the stress. What do you chose?

It’s hard to always look for the light in the darkness, right guys? When a stressful situation occurs, we do what most people do. Freak out, throw a tantrum, or think irrationally. We are the Generation of Young Believers in Christ. We have to show the right example ,and to show it we have to LIVE it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s always easy to keep your peace but it’s not always hard either. Why isn’t it always hard? Well, if you have accepted Jesus as Savior, you have a friend, the Holy Spirit, who will always be there to help you if you call on him. Pray and read God’s Word, so when stressful situations arise have a friend to call on for help. Studying God’s word also allows us to be well equipped. CHOOSE PEACE!

In order to have peace, you have to choose it. You can’t just say, “I want peace.” in a stressful situation an it magically happens, you have to work towards it. You have to want it. Like, REALLY BAD!! If you want peace, you choose to stay calm and focus on the good. Also, stress, anxiety, and worrying are not good for your health. Matthew 6:34 says, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”. If it’s Tuesday, focus on Tuesdays schedule not Wednesdays. Like the word says, “Each day has enough trouble of its own”. If you want peace, you can have it. Call on the Lord and ask Him to give it to you. The Lord loves you and wants to help you. Don’t leave Him out of situations. Before we go into our Bible story I want to leave you with one more Bible verse; Psalm 23:1-4, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” BIBLE STORY TIME!




Genesis 25 and 33. As always, let me give you a little back story Friends. This story is about two twin brothers. Jacob and Esau. Esau was very hungry one day and Jacob made some food. Esau told Jacob, keep in mine I’m not using the exact words,” Jacob! I’m going to die, give me some food. Please!”. It was a tradition back in the old days that kids were given birth rights. The oldest always got the most. Esau was older by a few minutes possibly. Jacob said, “Give me your birthright and you get food.” Esau gave him his birthright and Jacob gave him food in return. Then Jacob also stole Esau’s blessing from their Father. (Their father was becoming blind so he couldn’t tell it wasn’t Esau) When Esau found out he was upset. He was angry! Jacob ran away and didn’t come back home for years. When he did decide to come back, he was nervous. Wouldn’t you be? If you stole your brother’s birthright and his blessing. I would be thinking, my brother might still be mad, he might want to kill me, etc. Do you think he was having peace through this? I don’t think so. Jacob brought tons of gifts with him, hoping it would be like a peace offering per-say, to give to his brother. You know what happened?! Esau didn’t even want the gifts. He FORGAVE his brother. He chose to have PEACE. He chose to not hate his little brother anymore. When he forgave Jacob, peace came upon Jacob. Jacob was FREE from the thought of being scared, nervous, etc. Esau must have chosen along time ago to forgive, what do you think? I challenge all of us to be like Esau and HAVE PEACE! Whether your sibling took your money, parents are getting divorced, grandmother is in the hospital, etc. CHOOSE TO HAVE PEACE!!!!

Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate it. I hope you learned something today and from now on, go look for the good in stressful situations. Also, remember to KEEP your PEACE! A quote by Dalai Lama, “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace“. Whether its people’s behavior or situations do let that RUIN your peace. Love you all! See you next week! ✌🏽❤️✌🏽


Blog 36: Loneliness


Blog 34: Fruits of the Spirit (Part 6): Gentleness