Blog 34: Fruits of the Spirit (Part 6): Gentleness

Hey Believers! Happy Word Wednesday! How are you doing family? I hope you are being kind, having patience, loving others, and having self control! Today is PART 6 of the Fruits of the Spirit Series. If you haven’t read Part 1,2,3,4 or 5 to this series make sure you do so, so you can be up to date! Also, if you ever need a supportive, loving Christian friend email me at Let’s get started on our topic for today. Gentleness.

What does gentleness mean? It means, “wants to help others, even when they have been done wrong”. This means when you have gentleness, you are wanting to assist others in whatever they are in need of even if they have messed up. You still want to help them. You are being GENTLE with them. For example, this kid just stole candy from a shop and minutes later he is crying after being caught. What are you going to do? What’s the right thing to do? To go talk to him and just be there for him. Be a comforter to him. God is always comforting us through the hard times, why not help another kid? Or maybe, a girl just got in trouble with the principal and minutes later her proudness turned into embarrassment. You see all this happen. You have 2 options here. Keep going your way or go talk to her and let her know you’ve dealt with embarrassment too before. Maybe not the same situation but embarrassment yes. Let’s HELP others even when they have done wrong. Let’s display GENTLENESS. Showing others Jesus by not telling them about Jesus 😉 .

The fruits of the spirit work together. How so? To have gentleness, you need patience. You need patience to help others. To have patience you need love. Love is patient. If you have love, you have kindness. Love is kindness. Do you see where I’m going with this? To have ALL of your fruits overfilled in your cup, you need to have ALL the fruits in your cup. How do we have all these fruits in our “cup”? Well, by praying, reading your Bible, going to youth group, spending time with other Christians, etc. There are tons of way to fill your cup with these fruits. When we help others, when we talk to others, when they see our actions, etc they will see Jesus. How? We are displaying Godly character. Philippians 4:5, “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” Let’s make our fruits, especially GENTLENESS, seeable by everyone we come in contact with. Now, let’s see how this woman in the Bible did something very bad but still Jesus helped her. Like our definition days helping others even when they have done wrong. Grab your drink, snack, Bible, etc and lets jump in.




You can follow along with me in John 8. Jesus was sitting down about to teach the people who gathered around him something ,but the men of the law walked in with a woman who committed adultery. The Biblical definition of adultery is this, “ sexual relations in which at least one participant is married to someone else.”They all wanted to stone this woman. Throw rocks at her. They wanted her dead. They ask Jesus, ( keep in mind I’m paraphrasing ), “Shouldn’t we kill her? The law of Moses says we should.” Jesus doesn’t reply right away. He starts scribbling in the sand. Then He said, at the end of verse 7 “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.Everyone who had a stone in their hand dropped them.

Guys, this story shows love, kindness, so many other things but what I want you get get from it is this. Jesus displayed GENTLENESS!! That woman committed something very bad ,but Jesus helped her even though she did wrong. He showed her the fruits of the spirit. He showed her GENTLENESS!!!! On top of that, he also showed something else. Everyone commits sin. You are not alone friends. Some days you are going to be the one needing gentleness from another and other days you need to give it. Let’s be ready to GIVE it and RECEIVE it.

We are coming to another end of Word Wednesday 😔 , but it’s time for me to give you my encouraging quote, song, etc! For today, it’s a quote by Heather K. "O’Hara.

Let’s be GENTLE in EVERYTHING we do believers. And this is the end of blog 31. Kisses and hugs, ✌🏽.


Blog 35: Fruits of the Spirit (Part 7) Peace


Blog 33 : Spiritual Maturity and Growth