Blog 33 : Spiritual Maturity and Growth

Hey there! Happy Word Wednesday!! I am Hannah, the guest speaker for today. Let’s get in to it.

Spiritual maturity? Spiritual growth? What’s that? Today I will be explaining this and how to build it.

Now you may be wondering: what is spiritual growth? A way I like to explain it is the way you grow and mature on your journey with Jesus. Ephesians 4:13, Paul longs for, “all [to] attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature person, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.” This says that as you grow up so will your spiritual self with God.

What are the effects of fulfilling our spiritual love for God? Let me give you a hint: it starts with a “s” and ends with a “e”. That's right! It helps us spiritually mature. When we are spiritually maturing we are learning more and more about Jesus and what he has done for us. Isn’t that amazing! We get to learn more about Jesus!  My favorite thing to do is learn about Him! 

I am so glad that as I learn more about Him I get to grow my spiritual self. I bet you are too! But, through the Bible, humans constantly make mistakes. So we are prone to making mistakes when growing our spiritual being. Which means that we will do things that are very ungodly. But Jesus died on the cross for our sins so He will save us from our sins and protect us from the devil. 

Building our spiritual being is like feeding our spiritual self. The more information we learn about God, the fuller our spiritual self gets. How do we feed our spiritual self? By connecting with God. Doing things like praying and meditating with Him helps feed your spiritual self. One of my favorite things to do is pray! I pray whenever. I pray when I'm happy, sad, joyful, or even when I’m fine. I pray before bed, in the morning, in between meals, and even when I'm doing nothing!

Say a quick prayer with me: Dear Lord, thank you for this opportunity to share my love for you on this post. God, I pray that anyone who is reading this will start healthy habits to build their spiritual being. I pray that everyone will have a wonderful day, night, evening, afternoon, and morning. Lord, I pray that we stay safe and continue to worship Your goodness everyday. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

See you next time!



Blog 34: Fruits of the Spirit (Part 6): Gentleness


Blog 32:Fruits of the Spirit Series (Part 5): Self-Control