Blog 29: Mental Health

Hello! My name is Chloe. And today is my Word Wednesday! I am a friend of Sarai’s from her homeschool group. Today I am going to talk about mental health.

I know that for some of you this may be a hard subject. For a little while it was one for me. A little over a year ago I struggled to control my anxiety. It used to get the best of me. I would be afraid of the littlest things for no reason. I had to stop watching TV because some shows and movies just scared me. I used to be afraid to ride in a car, go up and down elevators, be in parking garages (that one is a long story) and be somewhere without a parent or family member. I used to cope my anxiety by biting my nails. I knew I should find a better method but the only thing that helped was to bite my nails. Then I found this Bible verse. (NIV) 1 Peter 5:7 , “Cast all your anxiety for he cares for you.”

To me this verse means that God is with you no matter what. That he knows what you are going through and knows how to help you with your problems. Now, that does not mean that God will solve all of your problems for you. No, He does want to help you but sometimes that means you making the wrong choices or things not going the way you plan. You need to make these mistakes to help you. 

Another part of mental health I want to talk about is depression. I know that some people don’t want to talk about this subject or hear about it but trust me. Just stick with me and we’ll figure it out with God. I have never really struggled with depression, but I know people who have. I know people that have had bad depression and needed help and God. If you are struggling with depression I just want you to know that you are not alone. 280 million people have depression. Most of them are in middle school or high school. Did you know that our generation struggles with mental health, anxiety, and depression more than any generation ever??? To me that was really shocking but then again, we have social media and things that no generation has ever had to deal with. To me depression is something no one should have to deal with. My prayer for everyone who read this is I hope if you know that you struggle with anything that I talked about today, to ask for help. This is a tough journey that no child (or adult) should have to go through alone. I hope you talk to a parent, Counselor, or even a friend. 


Thank you everybody!! I hope you have a blessed week!!!!



Blog 30: Fruits of the Spirit Series (Part 3): Love


Blog 28: Fruits of the Spirit Series (Part 2): Patience