Blog 28: Fruits of the Spirit Series (Part 2): Patience

Hey y’all!! Thanks for joining the GYB family for another Word Wednesday. It is finally September 🤩. I am super excited because that means fall is almost here!! What’s your favorite season? Send me an email, I’d love to hear from you!

Today’s topic is patience. I know sometimes I need to work on mine. How about you? To live like Jesus, we need to have this fruit. What does it mean and how do we have it? Let’s get into part 2 of the Fruits of the Spirit series!

What does patience mean? It means, “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.“ What are somethings that you have struggled to have patience in? Can I tell you some of mine? Well, me and my friend penpal each other , and waiting for letters from her is kind of hard. My patience is really tested in those times. Another one is, when I have to be patient and wait for dinner. Sometimes, I am really hungry and I feel like I can’t wait 😂.

But guys, patience is when you are suffering or having problems but you are able to wait with a good attitude (not angry or upset). Having the amount of patience to be able to wait when you need to. Sometimes believers, it’s hard to be patient. But you are not alone! Everyone deals with it. You, me, your friends, your family, and even the people who lived long ago. Just like that guy Abraham. Do you know Abraham? Maybe Father Abraham rings a bell? No? Well, let me tell you about my dear friend Abraham. In this certain part of his life, his patience was really tested.

Bible Story


Bible Story 〰️

( Genesis 18 ) Abraham was about 100 years old at this time of the story. His wife, Sarah, was 90 years old. They were free of child meaning they didn’t have any children but they really wanted some. God said to Moses in Genesis 18:10, “I will be sure to return to you at this time next year. And your wife Sarah will have a son.” You guys, are you reading what I’m reading? A 90 year old woman is going to have a BABY! We don’t hear that often in our times, do we? But if the Lord said that will happen, it’s going to happen. And guess what?! That next year. They had a boy! They named him Isaac.

Talk about being patient. First they’ve always wanted kids, but then they are told to wait another year for one. WOW 😮 !! Talk about a lot of patience. I know that we are not at the age to have any children, anytime soon but let’s change this into our own lives. Maybe, it’s early in the morning and you have to wait for the school bus. You don’t want to, but you are going to wait happily because you want to show others Jesus. You are going to be patient, not complain or whine. Or, you might have that sibling that drives you crazy, but instead of being mean and stuff you are going to be patient with them and work it out. I know some of you are like, PLEASSEEE. That is not going to work. Trust me guys, I have a little sister and If you try to be kind and have patience with each other, you guys will get along. Take my advice, let me know how it goes 😉 . Maybe you guys are dealing with different situations than the examples I listed. And that’s okay!! Whatever situation it is, we should do our best to have patience in it. It is important to show everyone we encounter that we have the fruits of the spirit and we follow Jesus. Let’s have PATIENCE!!! If you PRAY for patience, you will HAVE it! Every time you are in a situation and you handle it right by having patience, your patience will GROW!! And continue growing. I got this. You got this. WE got this! You are not alone, family. Let’s do this PATIENCE thing together.

Like some of you already know, I like to leave you with something. So this is it, a quote by Joyce Meyer. “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”

Having the strength to be patient is amazing, you guys. But being able to have joy, peace, even happiness while being patience is great. Not only great but it shows you have Jesus inside of YOU! And that is patience believers. Let’s show people Jesus, by being patient. Thank you for reading!!! Love you all and I’m praying for all of you!! If you have any prayer request, email me and I will pray specifically for that. I think it would be fun and nice if we have a thing to pray for, for each other every week. How about this week we pray for having patience ( 😉 ) and kindness towards others. Pray for each other GYB family. Make sure to come back next week for a guest speaker!! Bye ✌🏽



Blog 29: Mental Health


Blog 27: Fruits of the Spirit Series (Part 1): Kindness