Blog 27: Fruits of the Spirit Series (Part 1): Kindness

HELLOOOO Believers!!!! Happy Word Wednesday! If you read last week’s post about God the Holy Spirit I hope you enjoyed it; and learned something new! If not, check out blog post 26! We are going to be starting a NEW series today. The Fruits of the Spirit series! Each week we are going to talk about one of the nine amazing fruits. Not my favorite nine fruits to eat 😂 , but the fruits of the Spirit! If you do not know what they are in the book of Galatians, chapter 5, verses 22-23 says what they are, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” I think this series about the fruits is needed because to be a good person and to live like Jesus we should have these things everyday with us. Our cup should be overflowing with these fruits. What I mean by that is, our love should be given throughout the day to others, our kindness should be throughout the day to others, and so forth. Today’s topic is kindness. Let’s get started Believers!!

You might be thinking, why do I have to be kind? People around me are being mean and rude so what difference does it make if I’m kind? Well let me tell you, it makes a LOT of difference if you are kind. Believers, theres a lot of hurt and pain in our world. In the end we all want unity. We all want peace. We ALL want kindness. If you make the first act of kindness, it will encourage others to be kind as well. Remember, the first act of kindness starts with YOU. Even if someone is being mean, why should we be kind anyway? Because God forgave us from our wrong doings, for our unkindliness. It says this in Ephesians 4:32. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you.” So let’s be kind and show the people who don’t know Jesus, Jesus. What does that mean? If you act like Jesus, it shows them who He is. And it encourages them to FOLLOW Him as well!!

I once said in a speech I had to give, “In a world where you can be anything you want to be, be kind, be caring, and be good to others.” Believers, we are God’s children. We make a difference. We make things happen. You might be thinking, what does any of that have to do with the topic? Guys, we are the next generation of believers. Which means eyes are on us to see what Christians look like. What we say, what we do, matters. It makes a difference. We MAKE things happen. I use to sit around complaining about kindness, waiting for the difference I wanted to come. But believers, complaining and sitting around talking about it, doesn’t change things. If we want a difference, we have to make the difference. If we want change, we have to make the change. Like I said before, everything starts within you. The first act of kindness starts with YOU. If we want kindness, we have to start the change. So, let’s start it together.

I want to share a Bible story with you. When Jesus was down on this earth, He spoke to a group of more than 5,000 people. Toward the end of the day, His Disciples came to him and said , Jesus we need to send these people home. They are hungry. Jesus said collect the food we do have. The Disciples came back and replied with, Matthew 14:17 says, “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish”. Jesus prayed over the food and the disciples handed it out. In the end they had 12 baskets left over!!! I say all of that to say this, Jesus was being kind by giving them food to eat and then there was MORE left over so the disciples can take those baskets home. Jesus did more without being told. He didn’t even have to feed them. Let’s try to be like Jesus and do more to show kindness without being told. Let’s strive to be like Jesus. We’re humans. We’re not perfect but trying our hardest is enough for Him. The Bible also doesn’t just say be kind to the people who are easy to be kind too. Be kind to EVERYONE. Be kind to that sibling that drives you mad sometimes. Be kind to that girl/boy at school that is always bullying you. Be KIND. If someone asks for your help, help them and do more. If someone needs food to eat, give them some and more. That’s showing kindness.

What does kindness mean? It means,“the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” A lot of people go around feeling uncared for, unloved, etc. I bet if you called a friend or family member, it would just make their day for you to ask, “How are you? I miss you, just wanted to check on you.” That is kindness. Being considerate. Thinking about someone else and not your own needs or wants. So, I have a challenge for you believers. Call a friend or a family member. See how they are doing. Be considerate of their feelings and what they might be going through. Show them some love, like Jesus did when He fed the people. If you do, email me about your experience and you will get a FREE 2-day Interactive Kindness Journal made by me. Share the challenge with family and friends! Take pictures of you being kind to our world! If you have Instagram, post pictures and tag GYB on your post. If you do not, do it on your parents! You can email me all the information at Thank you for reading! Stay caring believers. Stay loving. Stay AND be KIND to all!!! See you guys next week!

We do Kindness

We do Kindness



Blog 28: Fruits of the Spirit Series (Part 2): Patience


Blog 26: TRINITY SERIES ( Part 3 ) Who is God the Holy Spirit?