Blog 26: TRINITY SERIES ( Part 3 ) Who is God the Holy Spirit?

HELLO YOUNG BELIEVERS!!! Happy WORD WEDNESDAY! I can’t believe today we are going to talk about the last, final part of the Trinity today. God the Holy Spirit. Today’s post is going to be GREAT. I have been praying constantly about this series and I hope today we all leave learning something new. Also, I hope you all enjoyed last week’s post on God the Son. Before we begin, I want to encourage ALL of you to have your Bible with you or Bible app opened so you can read for yourself the verses I will be sharing. Let’s get started!

The two questions I want to start with are, “Who is the Holy Spirit?” and “What does He do?”. The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He lives inside of us once we except Jesus as our Savior. We will touch more on the “helper” characteristic later on. He helps us throughout our every day lives. Wherever we are, He is there to help us. How did the Holy Spirit come to be about? . Before Jesus died on the cross for our sins, He told His Disciples that He would pray to the Father to send a Helper. At this time He was having a conversation with His Disciples. I encourage you to get into His Word and read their conversation. You can find that in John chapter 13 and it continues in more chapters after. Where did Jesus say in the Bible He would pray to the Father for a helper? John 15:26, “I will send you the Helper from the Father. The Helper is the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father. When he comes, he will tell about me. And you will tell people about me too, because you have been with me from the beginning.” And that is how the Holy Spirit came to be.

When we think of God usually, we think of the Father or Jesus. We rarely think of the Spirit. We rarely talk about the Spirit. Whether we are in Bible Study or even at church the Holy Spirit is rare to talk on. I use to think the Father and Jesus were the most important. But they ALL are important. By using some characteristics I love about the Holy Spirit, I will share who He is and why He is important.

He is Helper. Have you ever wanted someone to tell you what’s the right choice to make? Have you ever wanted to know for sure you were doing the right thing? What if I told you there is a solution to all of your concerns? Well, let me tell you, THERE IS! The Holy Spirit. Like I said earlier, when you accept Jesus as Savior, God sends someone to live inside of you. That is the Holy Spirit. Have you ever been in the position of making a decision to lie or hit someone but you hear something telling you not to? A lot of people call it “their conscious”. But really it’s the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit trying to HELP you turn away from almost doing a sin. Part way through the verse of Mark 13:11 it says, “for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.” In another book of the Bible called John, chapter 14, verse 26 says, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” When you read God’s commandments and are in a time of need to remember what God had said, the Holy Spirit will remind you. When you are trying to make the right decision, ask the Holy Spirit to help you. When you don’t know what to do, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. The Holy Spirit is here to help us. He is Helper.

He is Sanctifier. What does sanctifier mean? Sanctifier means one who makes you free from sin, purifies you. God the Son is a sanctifier but the Holy Spirit is one as well. But they each sanctify for two different reasons. God the Son sanctified us from sin when He died. He broke us from the chains of our sin. But the Holy Spirit sanctifies you from the desire TO sin. If you are about to lie but you hear a voice telling you to not to, that’s the Holy Spirit trying to stop you from DESIRING to lie or whatever you are about to do wrong. When you are about to hit someone but you want to be a person who has self-control that’s the Holy Spirit sanctifying you. He is SANCTIFIER! This Bible verse I want to share with you, let’s you know the Holy Spirit is truly a sanctifier. 1 Peter 1:2God the Father knew you and chose you long ago, and his Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. May God give you more and more grace and peace.”

It says in Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” The Holy Spirit is LOVE. The Holy Spirit is JOY. The Holy Spirit is PEACE. The Holy Spirit is KINDNESS. The Holy Spirit is SELF-CONTROL. The Holy Spirit is ALL THOSE things that verse listed and so much more!!! You might have thought before, I want to be kind and loving towards others. I want to be able to have peace in my own life. Well, let me tell you believers, YOU CAN!!! The Holy Spirit is already inside of you. If you activate Him you can BE all those things and HAVE all those things.


Today to end this post, I want to encourage you to share with someone, anyone your mom, dad, sibling, cousin, friend, etc one thing you learned from the Trinity Series. Now WAIT, before you start thinking this, no this is not a school assignment or anything like that. The reason I want you to share with someone else is because I believe we shouldn’t keep the Bible and God to ourselves. I believe we should share God with others. Others need to know about Him. Who knows? Maybe you’ll make someone’s day telling them that there is someone who wants to help them through their EVERYDAY life. HAVE A GREAT WEEK! Be BOLD. Be COURAGEOUS. But whatever you do or whoever you do it with, make sure you GLORIFY THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!! ✌🏽



Blog 27: Fruits of the Spirit Series (Part 1): Kindness


Blog 25: TRINITY SERIES ( Part 2 ) Who is God the Son?