Blog 25: TRINITY SERIES ( Part 2 ) Who is God the Son?

HELLO BELIEVERS!!! Happy Word Wednesday!!! I pray that last week’s post helped you understand more about God the Father. I am really excited because today we are talking about GOD THE SON!!! It’s going to be an EPIC, AMAZING, and MIND-BLOWING post today and you are not going to want to miss it! Keep scrolling down to read more about God the Son; Jesus!

The two questions you might have are, “Who is Jesus?” and “What did He do?”. Jesus is God’s son. He is God’s only Son. He came down to this sinful, dirty world to save us from our sins; so one day we can be with God the Father in Heaven. He was beaten and crucified on the cross for our sins. He died for us. Doesn’t that make you feel special? To know someone died for you so you can one day be up in Heaven with the Father? I know that makes me feel special! That is who Jesus is and what He did for us. Let’s get into some characteristics of Jesus!

He is CONSISTENT. Have you ever had a friend who would talk to you one day and the other day not? Have you ever woke up happy one day and the next day you woke up scared, nervous, irritable etc? Guys, Jesus is the “same today, yesterday, and will be forever”. It says it in Bible! Hebrews 13:8 reads, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” Even when we come to Him, differently every time, He will not have changed. We can know Jesus will be there for us, the same way He was yesterday, last week, and like He will be tomorrow.

He is OBEDIENT. We are alive today and our futures’s are secure because of Jesus’s obedience. In the B.C ( Before Christ ) times, an animal had to be killed every time you sinned (called a sacrifice). We can go to Heaven because Jesus obeyed His father and died for us. Did you know He didn’t have to do die for us? He could’ve easily with a snap of His fingers been off of that cross. But no, He didn’t do that. He was mocked at, made fun of, spit at, etc. For us. In Isaiah 53:5 it says “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” We are healed by Jesus’s stripes. We know we have a home to go to after death because He paid the price for us. We have a home to go to after this world because of His OBEDIENCE. He knew that to save us he had to die. Matthew 26:39 (MEV) says, “He went a little farther, and falling on His face, He prayed, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” Jesus was asking the Father if there was any other way possible please save me from this heartache. He knew what was coming. He was about to be crucified and be beaten, a crown of thorns nailed into His head, and nails hammered into his body so he can hang onto the cross. But guys, get this other part of this verse. “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” He went a step FURTHER and said but if this is your will Father, your plan I will do it. Through the midst of being scared and knowing what the people were about to do to Him, He still wanted to be obedient to His Father.

He is SAVIOR. When He died for us, He wasn’t just obedient. He was our SAVIOR from that point on. He saved us from our sins that could have made us unable to be up with the Father one day. I feel very loved to be able to have someone who cares about me that much to die for me. Someone who wanted to be my SAVIOR. Don’t you?

He is a FRIEND. Jesus was down on this earth full human but also full God. He understands what we go through because He went through it as well. He felt ALL human emotions too. When you go to Him about whatever it is, He UNDERSTANDS! He is that friend you can tell your secrets to, He is that friend that cares a lot about you, AND He is that friend that understands YOU better than anyone. Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” If you have accepted Jesus into your heart, He will be your friend. He wants to be your friend.

I pray you enjoyed this post! I pray that this helps you make the difference between the Father and the Son. Jesus is our SAVIOR, He is OBEDIENT, He is CONSISTENT, He is FRIEND, and HE is so MUCH MORE! That is who God the Son is. Come back next week to read the last part of the Trinity!!! Bye ✌🏽!




Blog 26: TRINITY SERIES ( Part 3 ) Who is God the Holy Spirit?


Blog 24: TRINITY SERIES ( Part 1 ) Who is God the Father?