Blog 23: Shine Your “Light” (S.Y.L ✨ )

Hello World! Happy Word Wednesday!I hope you are enjoying the weather. Today’s topic is “Shine Your Light”. God has given us ALL a “light” to share. When we accepted Him into our hearts, we received this LIGHT!! Let’s learn more about this LIGHT.

There are several men and women who shined their “light” in the Bible; but there is one man in particular I would like to share with you today. There is a man in the Bible named Moses, a Hebrew man. What I will be sharing about him today you can find in Exodus chapters 8-10. You can read more about him in the other books of the Bible such as: Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers.

Bible Story


Bible Story 〰️

Exodus 8:1 “And the Lord spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may serve me.” Moses obeyed God ;and he went to Pharaoh and said those exact words. Pharaoh refused so God sent a punishment to the land of Egypt. Aaron, Moses’s older brother, will be a good name for you to remember throughout this story. Exodus 8:3-6. God told Aaron to put out his stick, or rod they called it in the Bible, “over the rivers, and over the ponds, and cause frogs to come up upon the land of Egypt.” Thousands of frogs came out of the waters and into the homes of the Egyptians. If you keep reading on it says it got into the peoples’ bedrooms. Now, think about this with me for a minute. Let’s say you are taking a midday nap and suddenly you hear “ribbet”. You sit up and right there all around your bed and floor there are frogs hopping around and making sounds. You would scream, wouldn’t you? I know I would. Well, word got around to Pharaoh and he told Moses, “tell your God to take away the frogs and I’ll let His people (the Hebrews) go”. So Moses prayed to God to let the frogs die out and flee and they did. Pharaoh still after that, did not let the people go. So after a couple more punishments like “The Plague of Lice”, “The Plague of Flies”, “The Plague of Hail”, etc. Pharaoh finally let the people go and God’s people were FREED.

Now, you might be thinking. We’re talking about shining your light. What does Moses’s story have to do with that? How did Moses shine His light in this story you might be thinking? Moses shined his “light” when He spoke confidently unto the Pharaoh and told him to let his people go. In the end His people were FREED and it showed Pharaoh God’s power. Moses didn’t yell at him or get upset. He simply said with confidence, “Let my people go”.

And sometimes, believers, all we have to do is go up to a friend or to a stranger and say “How are you today?”, or “Can I help you with that?”, etc. That is showing them God’s love and THAT is showing and shining the “light” God has given you. Don’t hide it believers. Shine it. Don’t just shine it. Shine it PROUDLY 😁. Another good thing to realize from this story is that Moses made a decision to do what God told him to do. To go unto Pharaoh and tell Him what the Lord said and so forth. He didn’t have to. See my fellow believers, God gives us a choice. To believe in him or not to believe in Him. We can lie to our parents that we did our chores or we can actually do them and make the Lord proud. We can watch the TV shows that talk about or do bad things in them or we can change the channel and watch what we know is good. Friends, we can do a lot of things. We have choices. We have decisions. BUT we also have a God who is willing to help us make the right decisions.

Believers, I want to leave you with two impactful, encouraging quotes. The first one by Katrina Mayer, “Let your light shine so brightly that others can see their way out of the dark.” The second one is by Brandon Buell, “Every day, wherever you are, you have the opportunity to be a light and a blessing.”

Like the first one says, someone may be in darkness and needs to know God loves them. Maybe that’s an opportunity to share our light BRIGHTLY. When I read the second one, it made me feel like wherever I go starting NOW, I will start to look for people who need my light to share with them. Maybe you will be their blessing. Have a GREAT WEEK and I pray this post blesses you. I’ll see you August 3rd!!! It’s going to be an AMAZING August.



Blog 24: TRINITY SERIES ( Part 1 ) Who is God the Father?


Blog 22: Trust In the Lord