Blog 22: Trust In the Lord

Hi my fellow young believers! I hope you are doing well and you are hydrating because this heat is no joke 😂. Today we are talking about Trusting in the Lord. This post is about to change, hopefully, how you “trust” in the Lord. Let’s get into it!

Have you ever trusted your best friend to keep a secret you told them and they ended up telling someone? Maybe you have trusted your sibling to do something for you and in the end it never got done? It’s kind of disappointing isn’t? When you put your trust in someone you expect them to do the thing you asked of them, right? I know someone who we can trust in and never be disappointed in. Do you know who I’m thinking about? Yes, you are right. It’s Jesus! God will always show up for us and we can TRUST He’ll always be there. So, let’s start “Trusting In the Lord” together.

If you have a Bible I encourage you to follow along with me. In the book of Philippians, chapter 4, verse 19 says “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” This verse means, that our God will be there for all of our “needs”. Big or small He will take care of us. If we put our trust in Him, we no longer need to worry about things like “can I trust this person to keep my secret, will that person tell so and so, can I trust my parents will do that for me, etc?” As long as we trust in Him, the Lord will provide. So, Trust In the Lord.

I have a question for you. Can you think of a person you trust? Maybe your mom or dad? A grandparent, aunt, uncle, or cousin? For me it’s my parents. I trust in them for everything but did you know that’s not exactly “good” for us? God wants us to trust in HIM! It’s okay to believe and trust in your parents but if you always rely on your parents the reality is that they will fail you sometimes. But God will never, ever fail you. He is an all-knowing and all loving God. So… you know what I’m going to say. “Trust In the Lord”.

You might be asking “Why does she keep “stressing” this “trust in the Lord” thing?” Well, I’m going to answer your question with a question lol. Why shouldn’t I? Now you might be thinking,“Well, why should I trust in the Lord?”. Why shouldn’t you? Let me explain all of this.

The reason I’m “stressing” the whole trust in the Lord thing is because we should trust in Him. Why? Because He will never let us down, we will know for sure He is there for us no matter what, etc. Good reasons? You should trust in the Lord, with all your might and all our soul. You have nothing to lose so why not give HIM a try? I put my trust in the Lord and He gave me a smart, funny little sister, two cool parents who have some pretty cool jobs, an amazing website to share my love for Jesus on, awesome friends, etc. Also, I prayed for a year and He helped me get a blog started to share His Word. Those are MY blessings for trusting in Him. So, again what’s there to lose?

Okay my fellow believers, quick recap. We discussed trusting in the Lord today. “God will meet all of your needs”. Which is true, all we have to do is trust in Him. Who we trust in on this Earth is fine but overall we should trust in Jesus because He will never let us down and He loves us. So, my believers one last question to you for today. Will you trust in the Lord? Read Philippians 4:19 and put your trust in Him and His word!!

Have a great week guys!! See you guys next week and stay strong in faith, my BELIEVERS!!!!



Blog 23: Shine Your “Light” (S.Y.L ✨ )


Blog 21: Fear and Anxiety