Blog 14: Rest

Hey everyone! Happy Word Wednesday! It is already May and it’s getting warmer by the day, can you believe it? Today’s topic is “Rest”! Something we all need and what we feed off to power through the day. God rested on the seventh day of creation and so should we. Do you know which day that was? Keep reading to find out!

Today, I want to discuss a question that I always wondered about.

  1. Why is rest so important?'

    Resting is important and so is sleeping because it gives our body the energy we need. For example, going to school, riding your bike, studying, playing an instrument, going swimming, etc. All the things I just listed take energy and if we don’t rest or take breaks worry, anxiety, etc comes. If you are always going, going, going it’s hard for your body to rest and relax. Having a packed schedule is not good for your body but at the same time idle time is not good. God even took a BREAK!!!

    After making this world, He took a break on the seventh day the Bible tells us. In the book of Genesis chapter 1 and half of 2 talks about the seven days of creation. I encourage you to read those chapters. The chapters about how creation was made is truly fascinating. Back to our topic, even in the Bible it says to rest. Matthew 11:28 says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Life can get busy and hectic but remember trust in God. Ask Him to give you peace. The Lord loves His children. He will provide for you. When times get busy in my life and I’m tired, I remind myself. God always comes through. God will come through and will give you peace, joy, and happiness. He always does. Let’s move on to another thing I would like to share with you all.

    To rest you don’t have to go on a vacation 😳. Maybe you are thinking “Are you serious? The only way for me to have an actual break is to go on vacation.” Would you like to know something? It’s not. I used to think the same thing but get this. God is peace, right? If you accepted Jesus as your Savior then you have the holy spirit with you. Right? Are you seeing where I’m going with this? We don’t have to leave our homes or our city to have a vacation. God is with us all the time. For example, you could ask God for a moment of rest while you’re at the cafeteria at school. It might be really loud but all you have to do is ask Him to help you relax until it’s time to get back to class. Or maybe your situation is a little different. No matter what’s your situation, all I’m trying to say is God is here with you and me everyday and all day. If you ask God this “Lord, it’s hard for me to rest. I’m so busy and it feels like I never stop moving. Please help me with my packed schedule to find time to rest”. Who knows. Maybe asking God to help you, will help you even have more time with Him and all the hobbies you enjoy doing but also having down time. Don’t get me wrong though. Leaving your normal and going out for vacation is really, really fun and exciting but remember this. You don’t have to leave your normal to rest.

    Have a GREAT rest of your week everyone!!! Come back next week for a GUEST SPEAKER! If you really enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and family and ask them to subscribe. If any of you have a certain topic you would like me to post about, don’t hesitate to ask me! Email me via See you guys again on May 11th!



Blog 15: Identity


Blog 13: Music 🎵