Blog 67: The NEW You

Hey hey Family!!! It is 2024!!! If you ask me, 2023 flew by. I am so happy to be back and sharing the Word with you all! You can catch me here on the first Wednesday of every month spreading God-given blog post! Today’s topic is “The NEW You”. Ready, set, JESUS!

Have you ever wondered what made a flower bloom? Have you ever wondered why the petals are so colorful and the plant looks so healthy? It’s because the plant has the NUTRIENTS it needs. In 2021, we were someone. In 2022. we were someone. In 2023, we were someone. And now, in 2024, we can BE someone. Every year, we change, we grow, and we become. And I ask you, who do you want to become this year? To be a certain way, you need certain types of characteristics. If you want to be the mean girl, you need to be stuck up, snobby, rude, and self-centered. If you want to be an artist, you need perspective, you need to know what colors work and don’t work together, etc. If you want to be a person who loves God, lives for Him, and acts like Him, you need the fruits of the spirit, you need a daily period of time to spend with Him, and more. You need NUTRIENTS to be who you want to be. The only way you can survive is IF you have the NUTRIENTS to BLOOM. You only THRIVE at what you do; if you stay the same way.

Let’s act as if we are an Adenium flower. It has five petals. Most people say, if you want to be remembered and make an impact, create your own story. I say, if you want to be remembered and make an impact; let God help you live out the story HE made. Specifically, wonderfully, intentionally, just for you. It’s better to be known by God than by man. It’s better to be in righteousness with Him than with man. In order to BLOOM as one of His, you must have to have characteristics like Him. So today we are going to make ARE own petals. NOT writing our own story though. Don’t get me wrong. What I’m saying is, we are going to write who WE want to be this year; BUT NOT how we are going to do it. Is that clear? Does that make sense? This year I want to be a godly vessel, a great friend to ALL of my peers, an obedient child, and a warrior for God’s Kingdom, and an EXAMPLE of what the fruits of the spirit look like. And those, are my five petals. I’m not going to be perfect, WON’T. BUT with Him by my side, on the left and on the right, in my heart and in my mind, and above me, I’m going to get through whatever 2024 throws at me AND SO WILL YOU. What does your DREAM petals look like? And once you find out, let’s make them a REALITY. Let’s not just talk the talk but walk the walk. Become “The NEW You”. BLOOM so bright that when somebody tries to tear you down, you can’t even tell! A quote by Girl Be Brave says this, ( don’t leave gentlemen, this will encourage you too!!! ) “Do not put out your fire because someone else doesn’t understand your flame”. Let God use you for His Kingdom. Be a WILLING vessel, a COMMITTED vessel, and MORE. THRIVE as the NEW YOU.

To finish up, I want share one last thing with you all. Do you know a person or are you the person that everybody wants to be friends with or that admires that certain person? People are attracted to people because of characteristics. ( Also, known as their petals ). Maybe because they are always positive, caring, a great listener, encouraging, etc. Esther, one of the bravest and prettiest women in the Bible, was loved by people in her kingdom and the neighboring kindgoms because of her petals. My encouragement for you, be someone that others admire. Because when people admire you, that means you have their attention. And when you have their attention, you can POINT them to Christ.

Love you guys!!! See you guys the first Wednesday in February!!! 🙏♥️ 🙏🏾

My Monthly GO-DO: Read the book of Esther!

Sarai 🙏 ♥️ ✌🏽🤗 🙏🏾


Blog 68: Spiritual Gifts


Blog 66: Jesus is MY Tree