Blog 78: The Gift of Patience

What’s up, guys?! My name is Jack. You may remember me from my post from last year. I am so honored that Sarai asked me to write another devotion!

Waiting isn't a curse. Although it may not seem like it at the time, waiting is a blessing. Patience is a gift straight from God. Paul tells us in Romans 5:28, “But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”

When you wait patiently on the Lord, you gain access to His ear. Learning to be patient will allow you to listen to the Lord’s commands. God hears the prayers of those who wait patiently for Him. Just like when your parents made you wait to get the toy you really wanted, many times we have to wait on the Lord. However, when you wait on the Lord, He will come to your rescue. He will deliver you to safety. When you wait patiently on the Lord, your worship will go to a whole new level. When you wait patiently on the Lord, people will see what He has done for you. You will be able to shine His light better when you wait patiently on Him.

We often try to rush ahead of God's timing out of our impatience. However, He has flawless timing, and His plans are far bigger than ours. Being patient encourages us to surrender our will and trust in the guidance of the Lord. Amid life's chaos, we can find peace by placing our trust in God's timing. Let's let go of our desire for control and accept the wonder of God's revealed grace.

Having patience is also important in your everyday relationships. Our ability to be patient with others becomes a priceless gift. It is the ability to pay close attention, extend forgiveness without conditions, and show unconditional love. Let's be kind to one another and show one another love in our relationships. Because it is through patience that we mirror our heavenly father's unlimited grace. We are told in Ephesians 4:2, “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.”

May the seeds of patience take root in our hearts as we come to a close, and develop into an abundance of enduring faith and everlasting hope. Accept the gift of patience as a holy call to put your faith in God's eternal love, since everything is made beautiful in His time.


Blog 79: A Good Farmer


Blog 77: The Promises of God