Blog 31: Fruits of the Spirit (Part 4): Joy

Hey ya’ll!!! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY!! To wrap up the month of September, today’s post is about JOY! Make sure to have your Bible or Bible app open to read the Bible verses along with me. Also, if you like the content GYB puts out, make sure you share our website with others! Don’t forget to check us out on Youtube and on Instagram. At Generation of Young Believers. Okay now, let’s get started!

Is it just me or when you hear the word joy, you think of it as a rare thing to have? Like, every once in a while? Well, let me tell you… it’s NOT! Jesus wants us to have joy everyday!! Wait a minute, what does joy even mean? The Biblical definition of joy is, “a feeling of good pleasure and happiness that is dependent on who Jesus is rather than on who we are or what is happening around us”. The Webster definition of joy, is the first part of the Biblical definition. “A feeling of good pleasure and happiness.” The difference between happiness and joy is that one comes from the power of the Holy Spirit and the other comes from who we are and whatever is going on around us. Such as, our happiness depending on what we have or whose around us etc.

Only JOY can come from relationship with Jesus. He is JOY. Our good mood is based on who Jesus is. If we know Him and He lives within us then we can have joy. We can have joy even if our TV just broke. We can have joy even if our parents get divorced. We can have joy even if our dog is sick at the vet’s clinic. We CAN HAVE JOY! Family and friends will be around you wondering how you have joy even though you are going through all of that chaos. Believers, what they don’t know is that you have Jesus. When I thought of this, I said to myself, I have joy even through chaos because “it’s the God in me.” If anyone asks you why you are so joyful through hard times tell them, “ it’s the God in me.” That’s telling them and showing them that you serve a God that gives JOY! Maybe you will be planting a seed in them if they don’t know Jesus already. They might want to follow Him as well. Your mood doesn’t affect just you. It affects all around you. Let’s be caught acting like Jesus. Let’s be caught being kind, having patience, showing love, and having JOY!

Write down three ways you can act like Jesus in and make any type of situation better. “Let’s show them Jesus by not just telling them about Jesus”. This series is all about ACTION! Let’s take ACTION together!

Believers, the gift joy that God gives us is FREE. When we accept Jesus as Savior all of the fruits of the spirit are available, but we have to make our own decision if we want to live by the fruits. I don’t know about you but I don’t just want to have happiness. It only comes when people around us puts us in a good mood or the things we receive or have. I want something thats makes me a light to others, makes me always in a good mood, etc. I WANT JOY!!! I CHOOSE JOY. Now, I have a question for you… what do you choose? Write down what YOU choose. I know it is hard to have joy sometimes, especially through the hard times. God can help you though! As long as you ask Him too. John 16:24 says, “Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”

At the end I usually give a quote, an encouragement, etc. For today, I am going to change it up. I want you to go listen to the song “Joy” by Mary Mary. They are a Christian little group. They are sisters. Every time I listen to their song “JOY”, I feel good, and I feel JOYFUL! Thank you so much for joining me for today’s topic JOY! I hope you learned something , I did as well 😊. GYB is LAUNCHING NEW THINGS, so make sure you come back every week for Wednesday, Kai’s Kitchen ( 2nd and 4th ) Mondays, etc. See you guys next week. Love ya’ll ❤️😊! ✌🏽



Blog 32:Fruits of the Spirit Series (Part 5): Self-Control


Blog 30: Fruits of the Spirit Series (Part 3): Love