Blog 20: The Bible

Hello, my fellow believers! I hope your summer is going well. You may have been going to the pool or you are taking a trip to the beach, going shopping, traveling, or maybe just watching TV during your summer break. That is all great and fun but let me ask you a question though. Have you read your Bible recently? Have you reminded God how much you love Him? Have you shared part of your day with Him by spending time with Him? If you haven’t noticed yet today’s topic is “ The Bible”. The most important book we will ever pick up or even read. Our goals everyday should be to at least spend five minutes of our time with the Father. Let’s get into this wonderful topic the Lord has given me, shall we?

Do you guys know the verse on the “Home” page that I have listed? If not or you have forgotten let me remind you. Psalms 119:105 says this, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. You guys might be thinking what does that verse even mean? Let’s break this up. “Your word is a lamp to my feet”? God’s word, the Bible, is a lamp to our feet. Meaning, a direction for our feet to go; A way of life. The Bible will never steer us in the wrong direction. He loves us. He loves YOU! The other part of this verse says “a light to my path”. God will always be shining peace, joy, etc upon you. Even when times get rough a “light” will still be shining on your path. God loves you. He’s always been there for you but how would we ever know if we don’t read the Bible? How would we know how much God loves us and what He did for us if we don’t open our Bibles and spend time reading His Word? I’m not saying you have to spend hours upon hours reading the Bible but it is the summer time and we don’t have as much school work right now so the least we can do is read 10 minutes a day.

There’s another verse I would like to share with you. It’s from the Book of Matthew, chapter 24, verse 35. It says this, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” The meaning of this verse, is exactly why we should read our Word! Okay, okay. Yes, I am getting a little too excited 😆. Let me explain. This world is throwing so many things on us. Telling us what we should wear ,getting us caught up on the new trend, what we should say, how we should look ,etc. What we really need to be caught up in is our Bible. Period. If we let this world drive us it will drive us into confusion, worrying, anxiety, etc. But God is our reassurance. He brings peace among us. He is the PEACEMAKER. He is the HEALER. He is OMNIPRESENT. Am I right?

Let’s take a moment and recap, shall we?

  1. We know reading the Bible is important.

  2. God’s word “is a lamp to my feet”; a way of life we can choose to live. God gives us free will. If you haven’t chosen Jesus as your Savior yet. Now is the TIME! He loves you and is waiting to welcome you HOME! If you would like to share your decision with me please email me. I would like to hear about it. My email is listed on the“Contact” page.

  3. He is “a light to my path”. God’s shining wonderful things on your life but the decision is yours to continue on that path. He wants you to be HIS. God’s Word is a forever thing. It will never change.

I will be praying that this message encourages you and motivates you to pick up your Bible everyday and READ! Who knows? Maybe you’ll find out an interesting characteristic about our Father you never knew before. I will not be posting next week but make sure you come back July 6th for a NEW POST! A guest speaker will be here and you are going to want to read that post! Also, please share GYB with your friends and family and ask them to subscribe! My dream is to encourage people, mostly teenagers to follow Jesus. That following Him is a not a boring thing but an ADVENTURE! Have a great weekend ya’ll!



Blog 21: Fear and Anxiety


Blog 19: Worship