Blog 75: Taking Care of God’s Earth

Hey GYB fam! Happy Word Wednesday! I am Hannah. I’m back again LOL. Today I will be talking about Taking Care of God’s Earth. As Sarai likes to say, READY, SET, JESUS!

Have you heard of recycling? It is the process of reusing things that can be used to preserve resources. Have you ever recycled before? I know I have, many times.

God created the earth for us to reuse our resources. For example, the food chain. In the food chain everything has its place and it is a repeating cycle. God created animals to eat certain things, and be a certain way for the flow of life.

Have you ever heard of Greenhouse Gases? Right! They are gasses in the Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat. Wait. That doesn’t sound right. They trap heat? Well that can’t be good. That doesn’t sound like taking care of God’s Earth.

God says in Genesis 2:15 “work it and take care of it” to the man in the Garden of Eden. Why should that change now?

Have you ever heard of the Climate Clock? When the Climate Clock stops, climate change becomes irreversible.

That’s right, we will never be able to bring God’s Earth back to what it originally was. I know, it’s sad.

Through Jesus, anything is possible. With Jesus, we can restore the earth and stop the climate clock forever.

It’s not all bad though. By 2035, it’s predicted that all cars sold will be electric. Still though that’s not enough. Climate change will be irreversible by then.

This is your call to action. The Lord called you to read this blog post today to help save His earth. If we all put in a little work, we can restore it.

Don’t you want to live in a world full of God’s plump tomatoes growing out the ground? Bright green grass shining under the sun? Tall, sturdy trees swaying in the wind?

I know I do.

So, what will you do today? Ask your parents if your neighborhood provides a recycling service or if there are recycling sites nearby. You can set up one at your house and take all recycled items once a month (with parental permission of course) . When you're in public, use the recycling bin. If you have items that can be reused and recycled use it!

The Lord will bless you.

Thank you for reading! Enjoy your Wednesday, and I’ll see you next time!!!


Blog 76: I AM a Leader with History


Blog 74: The Power of Prayer