Blog 47: People Change

Hey GYB Family!!! I hope you all are well today. I hope you showed a loved one how much you care for them or/and you were shown how much you mean to people this 2023 Valentine’s Day. Today’s topic is “People Change”. As I always say, lol, let’s get started!

Have you ever heard the saying “All roads lead to Rome”? My favorite Bible verse currently is Hebrews 11:1 but today’s verse I want to share with you is Hebrews 13:8. So today I say, “All roads lead to Hebrews”. 😂 get it? No? Okay. Anyway, Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” Guys, people change, as we have talked about, but Jesus Christ will never change. The same unconditional love he bestows on you today will be the same love he bestows on you tomorrow and forever. The same mercy and grace he bestowed on you yesterday, will be the same mercy and grace he will bestow on you today. Guys, my point is, JESUS CHRIST NEVER CHANGES! Even if people change, we can always count on one who will never change, who is also consistent, unchanging, always loving, etc. That person’s name is Jesus.

Is it hard when people change? If it’s for the good, no. If it’s for the bad, yes. It’s a heart breaker, that’s for sure. Example: You ( Tommy ) and your best friend, Lizzie, have been best friends since 2nd grade. You guys plyed video games together, food eating contests, went to the zoo together, etc. This summer, Lizzie, went out of state for the month of June to visit her grandparents. In July, she went straight from her grandparent’s house to summer camp for 3 and a half weeks. It’s now the first day of middle school for both of you. You are super excited and haven’t talked to Lizzie since the end of June. You have so many things you want to catch her up on. You walk up to her in lunch period because you guys only have afternoon classes together not mornings. “Hi Lizzie! I missed you so much! I have so many things, I need to catch you up on! Also, you have to tell me all about being with your grandparents’s on their ranch!! Did you get pics of the horses; I tell myself I’m going to be a cowboy one day. You know what, tell me while we eat. I’m starved! Wanna sit over there?” You are so happy to see your friend again, you are talking a mile per minute than usual and don’t even notice the other kids she is sitting with. You are now starting to feel the atmosphere and see whats going on. All the girls are whispering and the boys are chuckling. “Hey Tommy.”, she says really flatly without much enthusiasm. “Umm, not today. I’m with my friends. We all went to summer camp together, most of us at least. See you. Bye.” They all get up and head out of the cafeteria, leaving you standing there like you are garbage waiting for someone else to pick you up. You are seriously hurt right now. 1. You are upset because she said “I’m with my friends”, she didn’t even bother to say “I’m with my other friends.”. 2. You are disappointed she didn’t even look the least happy to see you or that you went to find her to catch up. God will never do you like that. He loves when you talk to Him, He even asks for you to do it in His Word! God will never abandon you for other people, you know why? He loves all His Children the same and won’t leave even one to fend for themselves. Our King, Our Savior, Our Father? Never will change.

David in the Bible, was a shepherd boy. Youngest in the family out of 8 brothers but God changed his life and made him the next king of Israel. See how his life changed in an instant? Yes, people change. Sometimes for the good and sometime for the bad but in the end everything will be alright because God is in control and He is the same today, He was the same yesterday, and will be for forever.



Blog 48: Rest


Blog 46: Fasting