Blog 49: Concentrating on the Bad

Hey GYB Family! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY!!!! We are back! I hope your week is going well. We are on blog post 49, can you believe it? I am having a hard time believing it. Today’s topic is on “Concentrating on the Bad”. With this topic, we are going to discuss what it can do to you mentally, physically, and emotionally. Let’s get in to it.

Concentrating on the bad is, well, bad. Emotionally, it can mess you up. You can start feeling depressed, having anxiety, etc. Concentrating on the bad will get you no where in life except for in a place of darkness. Do you want to be in darkness? For example, your parents told you they were going to take you to the new pizza place down the street Saturday. Saturday finally rolls around and you are really excited. Your parents come out of the kitchen to where you are watching TV in the living room and say “We can’t go to the pizza place tonight. We have a business dinner we really have to attend but you and your sister can order pizza. We’re sorry.” You would be probably be feeling a lot of different emotions. Disappointed, upset, sad, maybe even anger. Instead of looking on the bright side that you and your sister can order pizza you concentrate on the bad which is you can’t go to the new pizza place. One, concentrating on the bad makes you have negative and even more negative thoughts, people are going to start to see you always look for the bad in situations and they aren’t going to want to be around you, etc. There are so many reasons concentrating on the bad is not good. Do you think Jesus concentrated on, “Ugh, soon I have to get up on that cross and die for people.” or “I can’t wait to go show people that miracles are real and the Messiah has come! I can’t wait to die for my Children so they can be with me one day!”. Wow 😮 . See how one option is really bad and the other is kind, considerate, and thoughtful? Let’s concentrate on the GOOD, not the bad.

Now, I didn’t say focusing on the good all the time is easy. No way! If you ask Jesus for help to look for the positive things , it will get easier and soon enough you won’t need to ask for help anymore because you are becoming more and more like Jesus so it makes it easier. It doesn’t only matter about negative thoughts BUT negative speech. May I share a Bible verse with you? Proverbs 15:4, “The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit”

Speaking good things into existence you will have a “tree of life”. Your life will be full of good things! Also, you will be encouraging others to think and say positive words. Speaking negative will “crush the spirit.” It will crush others way of thinking and speech. It will make them want to be negative as well. Keep this in mind friends. “Your thoughts, change your mind’s thinking. Your words changes the atmosphere.” You might be thinking “Care to explain?” Your thoughts can change your whole mindset on a situation. It can make your whole attitude and personality change in an instant. Your words can put others down and that’s not kind or nice. Is it? Negativity can also change the room’s aura. Your words can and will bring others down. Then their attitude changes and before you know it the aura is much different than it was a half an hour ago. Your thoughts and words matter friends!!! When you feel going negative, pray to go the positive route!!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed today’s post. Love you all and stay positive!!!! No quote or song today! 👍🏽😊✌🏽❤️🤗


Blog 50: Needs VS Wants


Blog 48: Rest