Blog 59: Masterpiece, who?

Hey guys! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY!!! How are you feeling today? Hot, I suppose . I hope that you feel like you are having a nice break away from the textbooks. Breaks are very good lol. Today we are talking about a “Masterpiece”. Let’s dive in!

Masterpiece - a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship. You might be wondering, are we talking about art today? You are right, to some degree. A thing I say from time to time is this, agree to disagree to some degree. What? This means, maybe, maybe not BUT maybe to a certain point. I tried lol, hope that makes sense. Anyway, you might be wondering, “What art creation are we talking about today?”. YOU. . Hold on, let me explain.

Ephesians 2:10 says this, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”. WE are masterpieces. God created us perfectly. He made you. He loves everything about you even though you might not. The way your hair tangles up every time you let it down ( 😂 ), the color of your eyes, your accent, etc. Everything. So… Masterpiece, who? Masterpiece, you! YOU are a masterpiece, created by the King of Kings, the One and Only Lord and Savior, the Messiah, your Father “who arts in Heaven”. ( Matthew 6:9-13 )

God created each and every one of us for a purpose. We AREN’T mistakes.

( 1 ) Moses, for example, one of his main purposes was to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Away from slavery. He WASN’T a mistake. He WAS and IS one of God’s masterpieces.

( 2 ) Abraham’s purpose was to believe in God, do His will, and bring God’s people to the “land flowing with milk and honey”, Canaan. That land was for God’s chosen people.

Exodus 3:8 says, “So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites

Abraham WASN’T a mistake either. He WAS and IS one of God’s masterpieces.

WE are His masterpieces. WE are loved more than any of His other creations. Masterpiece? Where’s that? The masterpiece isn’t in some Museum, hung up on a wall. It’s not that beautiful Arabian horse, or that gorgeous mansion up on the hill. It’s YOU. You are his prized possession. His MASTERPIECE.

THANK YOU FOR READING FRIENDS! Love you all and have a great week! Remember, no matter what you think, or what people say, YOU ARE HIS MASTERPIECE. Let NO ONE tell you different. Can you do something for me? Tell ONE person this week, “You are His Masterpiece.” Encourage them by saying that, lift them up. Be kind in this world full of hatred. Be a light in the darkness. See you guys next time!! GUEST SPEAKER NEXT WEEK!!!



Blog 60: By Their Fruit


Blog 58: Rest